Chapter Seventeen

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Lilith and Toby sat quietly in the car for a few minutes. Toby didn't want to say anything more, afraid that he had already crossed the line. Lilith just stared at the steering wheel, her mind racing with worries, doubts, and other 'what if's.

Just as Lilith began to speak, Toby also began to apologize. "I shouldn't have said anything, Lilith."

"No, you're right. I need to realize what I have before it's gone."

Toby glanced over at Lilith, then out the window towards her house. He chuckled breathily to himself, "I'm serious when I say your family cares about you. I mean, just look. They're spying on us right now from the windows." Lilith's head lifted, getting a quick peek at her family's curious faces before they all shut the curtains. Toby and her shared a laugh, the tension in the car disappearing in seconds.

"Do you want to come inside for a bit?" Lilith asked hopeful, turning to face him as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

He started shaking his head, "I can't Lil, I have to get home."

"To do what?" She gave him a curious stare, knowing he just didn't want to be put in the middle of any potential family drama.

"If you must know, I have to set up some dates for work and make sure I have the right equipment." He and Lilith fell into a staring contest, a small smirk appearing on his lips as she kept the intensity.

She broke the eye contact, "I swear, if you're ditching me to go to the river and not confront your mom, I'm going to lose it." Toby let out a short laugh, starting to defend himself. Nevertheless, Lilith kept interrupting him, trying to convince him. "Just come inside with me, please. Ten minutes, that's all I ask, so I'm not bombarded with questions right away."

"Lilith, no, I have to go home." Lilith intertwined her hands, pleading to Toby over the middle console of the car. She stuck out her bottom lip, attempting to have a tear fall down her face. Toby rolled his eyes at her dramatized performance.

"Please, Toby, for me?" Toby couldn't help but smile at her. He looked from her to the house, starting to unbuckle his own seatbelt.

He began to open the door, "Fine, ten minutes, but that's all you get." Lilith's smile grew as she jumped in her seat.

"That's all I asked for."

They headed up the driveway, entering through the front door expecting the family to be standing right there waiting. Instead, they were greeted by most everyone sitting around the living room with Monopoly all set up in the middle of the coffee table.

Lilith's older brother was the first to say something, "We were waiting for you before we played Monopoly. We'll have to get Toby in this game."

Toby stuck out his hands as if to say 'don't do that'. "I'm only stopping in to say a quick hello before I head home."

Lilith shook off her sweater as everyone began protesting. She smiled up at him, "Yeah, come on, Toby. Let me kick your butt at game night."

He sighed in defeat, starting to take off his coat as well. "Fine, one game. Take it easy on me though, I haven't played this game in years."

Lilith's dad entered the living room, some drinks in his hands. "You're in the wrong household for going easy. We play to win, and sometimes the kids get violent so be careful." Toby looked to Lilith with an intimidated glance to which she only shrugged helplessly. "Where'd you run off to all day, Lil?"

All eyes turned to her as everyone started getting comfortable around the board. Toby and Lilith sat beside each other on the ground, picking out their icons. "We ended up going to the craft fair in town."

Her younger sister pointed at her, 'That makes sense. God, I could've done such a better job at painting faces." Lilith was confused at first but remembered that she was currently a tiger. She shared a smile with Toby before catching a glimpse of her mother staring at her. Her face fell which only Toby seemed to notice as the game began. He gently rested his hand on Lilith's knee under the coffee table, giving her a discreet nod of the head to let her know she'd be alright.

They spent the night playing and yelling at each other. Even though it was all just a game and they were only fighting over fake money and properties, Lilith couldn't help but feel refreshed after it all ended. She may not have come in first, or anywhere near a winning spot, but she was having fun. Toby seemed to be enjoying himself too, completely forgetting about time and finding himself just spending the night at their house.

"No one told me this game would take three hours," Toby kept complaining as Lilith got out some extra blankets and pillows for him.

Lilith set up the television, making sure the remotes were in reaching distance of the couch. She took a seat on the couch arm, watching as Toby started spreading out the blankets. "There's no other way to play the game, Toby. It was fun, though, even if you all cheated."

"Someone's a sore loser." Toby chuckled to himself as Lilith smacked his arm with a pillow. "I'm kidding, kind of, but not really. I had fun, it actually felt like I was a part of a family game night for the first time in my life." 

She handed him the pillow which he then threw across the couch. Lilith watched as he swayed on his heels, just looking around the living room. She placed her hands on her knees, pushing herself up and slowly making her way towards the steps. "Well, you know where the fridge and the bathroom are, help yourself to anything you need. Oh, and Toby?" She waited at the bottom of the steps, her hand on the railing as he turned to her. "You're always welcome into this family. Sweet dreams."

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