Chapter Twenty Seven

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With one week flying by and only one more left before Lilith and the rest of her family returned to their normal lives, the kids were sure to squeeze in as much quality family time as possible. Lilith was also making sure to be with Toby every moment she could.

While her mind was preoccupied with any and everything Toby-related, she seemed to not be bothered by any of the problems she had constantly worried about all summer. Lilith was barely even concerned about the fact that Beck was still very much involved in her life, talking to her every night before bed. By this point, he didn't even know what he could do to help Lilith after seeing her so happy and carefree. So instead of nagging her about taking care of herself mentally, he became just another friend to talk to about her day.

Everything seemed right in the world for Lilith, so much that when Beck finally did appear in front of her again, she didn't think much of it.

"Oh, hey Beck, you have a body again." Lilith entered her room, continuing to dry her hair with the towel. She walked past Beck who was casually laying on her bed, heading right for her closet.

Beck's face lit up, "What? You can see me again?" Lilith nodded silently, getting ready for her day. Beck had his own concerns about the sudden change yet kept to himself since there were no changes to Lilith's mood. "What are the plans for today? Hanging out with Toby, again?"

Lilith grinned at the sound of Toby's name, "Of course, we only have so many more days together. We're going hiking and then probably coming back here for game night."

Lilith finished putting her hair up as Beck stared blankly, his mind still preoccupied by the fact that she could see him, "That sounds like fun, and how about you? How are you feeling today?"

She nodded, looking back. "I'm actually really good. I know it's been a rollercoaster of a summer, but I actually feel like I have some sort of control again. I don't know if whatever this is will continue when I leave, but I just want you to know I appreciate everything you've done. Thank you, Beck, for being the weirdest therapist I've ever known. I don't know if there's some sort of heaven waiting for you after this, but I hope it's everything you've dreamt of."

Beck pushed down all his questions and concerns. They shared a laugh before he shooed her off to go meet Toby. "Have fun, and tell me all about it later."

Lilith met up with Toby before they drove up towards the trails nearest to the house, listening to music and pointing out trees with the prettiest leaves. He kept his arm on the middle console, his hand intertwined with Lilith's.

Once they arrived, they started to stroll casually up the trail, passing by few others just slowly making their along, some stopping to take pictures. While Lilith loved spending this time with Toby, she still wasn't fond of the exercising portion. When Toby began to talk with her, it was very apparent how heavy she was breathing.

"Okay, let's take a breather." Lilith walked off towards the edge of the hill, placing her hands on her knees as she leaned forward.

Toby chuckled, following behind her. "Alright, but we've barely even made any progress."

"I don't do hills," Lilith breathed dramatically, reaching out for Toby's support. "Why'd we pick hiking? Can you just carry me?"

Toby forced her up, "Get on, loser."

Lilith's head shot up, a smile forming on her face. "Wait, really? I was kidding, but you got yourself a deal." Toby got lower, letting Lilith hop onto his back. He jumped up, adjusting her into a more comfortable position for the both of them.

Lilith placed her chin on Toby's shoulder, letting her eyes shut as a soft breeze blew on them. Toby quickly glanced at her, taking a moment to appreciate her. "I'm going to miss you."

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