Hello Gorgeous

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"Excuse me miss." A voice tore me from my book. I scrambled to mark the page I was on a look up.

"Sorry about tha- Oh hello." I looked up to a soft, gorgeous face framed in bubblegum pink hair. He blushed slightly.

"Hi." He gave me a shy smile as I shook my head to clear the surprise from my face. I heard snickers from my coworkers around me, but ignored them in favor of regarding this beautiful man.

"What can I get started for you?" I leveled my voice and slapped on an award winning smile.

"Can I, um, have a mocha please?" There was a light dusting of delicious pink dancing in his cheeks.

"Of course darling! Dark or white chocolate?" He looked down with a small smile at the pet name.

"Um... white chocolate?" He looked up at me, uncertain. I gave a small chuckle.

"Got a bit of a sweet tooth, don't we?" I couldn't help the quick swipe of my bottom lip as my tongue briefly darted from my mouth. "Me too darling." I tapped a few buttons on the monitor before looking back up. "What size sugar plum?"

"M-medium please." The blush on his cheeks had turned darker and a small amount of satisfaction bloomed in my chest.

"You've got it! Anything else for you sweet pea?" I slid over to the display which was neatly packed with pastries. "We have coffee cake." I looked up at him and wiggled my eyebrows while he giggled at my actions.

"I'll take one." The blush was still there but was now accompanied by a sweet smile.

"Perfect! 'Cuz it's on me." I grabbed the item in question from the cooler and placed in on a plate to be unwrapped and warmed. "Are you staying with us?"

"Hold on a minute. You don't need to do that." He looked up at me with an expression that looked like he was trying to be stern, but massively failed.

"Do what?" My lips crept into a curve that feigned innocence. "Warm you up with a delicious treat and some good coffee? I was about to offer a ceramic mug but now I'm not so sure..." my smile turned to a playful frown. He pouted at me and I had to bite my lip to keep from smiling.

"It's just a coffee cake. I can get it myself..." His eyebrows tugged down, deepening is pout into a frown as he poked out his bottom lip.

"If it's just a coffee cake, then let me get it for you." He opened his mouth to protest, but I cut him off. "If you really want darling, you can repay me by coming back on Saturday at noon when my shift ends." My nervousness diminished as he smiled and blushed again before giving a small nod.

"But I'm buying my coffee!" I chuckled and took the card that he shoved into my awaiting hand.

"Sure sugar plum. This time." I winked and swiped the car before handing it back to him. "Do you want your receipt sweet pea?" I held up the customer copy to show him.

"Do-does it have your name on it?" He blinked up at me with shy hopeful eyes.

"Why yes it does, but I can do one better." I set the paper down to grab some that was blank from the receipt dispenser and wrote on it with a sharpie.

"Y/N. Pretty."

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