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My alarm alarm ring in my ear. Lucky for me, it had already been set before my mini battle with Kitty, Protector and Mom because I thought I would have fallen asleep with my computer in my lap.  Remembering the events of the night before, I sigh at the folder of homework I had to finish.  I had intended to spend the weekend on the piece that I was writing for the upcoming music festival.  

"I guess it'll have to wait."  An other sigh pushed its way past my lips as I threw on a shirt that had the emblem of The Magic Shop Café where I worked.

When I walked out to get breakfast, I saw Riley pasted out on the couch, enjoying the pseudo-nest I had made for myself the night before.  It didn't surprise me as this was a frequent occurrence.  Riley DJed at the bar, not far from here, that Catherine owned.  I threw a blanket over her and took off the shoes that she hadn't taken off the night before.

Waltzing my way to the kitchen, I looked at the clock and realized I probably didn't have time make something.  Instead, I wrote a note for Riley telling her to have a good day and that I would be working with her tonight as well.  I grabbed a granola bar from the pantry and dashed out the door to my car.

The ride was pleasant, the moon roof open and letting in a breeze, deceptively cool for the heat of the day that was to come.  Upon arriving, I parked an quickly scurried into the building, eager to start my shift.  My coworkers and I exchange quick hellos before I ducked into the back to put away my things and get clocked in.

"Well someone's an eager beaver this morning." My coworker, and semi-friend, Jackson walked over and ruffled my hair. "Is it because of that guy you were talking to?" I swatted his hand away and went about starting music and brewing the first carafes of the day.

"First off: next time you touch my head, you better count all your fingers afterward.  Second, I may or may not have asked him to meet me here at the end of my shift."  I shrugged, roaming behind the counter with practiced ease.

"Don't you work at the bar tonight?"  Jackson side glanced me warily.  He opened the fridges one by one, making sure they were stocked the night before.

"Yup." I didn't need to look away from the cups was stocking to know he was shaking his head.

"Dude, you're going to be so tired."  When I finally glanced at Jackson, his eyes where filled with concern.  I brushed it off, walking back over to the cupboards to put the remaining cups away.

"So are you.  You work with me, remember?"  I shot him a quick glare in case he forgot.  Again, Jackson was shaking his head.

"Yeah I remember, but at least I have the chance to take a nap before that." He spun around, pointing an accusatory finger at me.  "And don't think I forgot about how much work you have to do!  Did you even sleep last night?"  I placed my hands on my hips, ready to retaliate.

"As a matter of fact I did."  I huffed out a sigh, once again remembering the mountain of work I had to do.  "But I didn't get as much done as I had hoped."  My shoulders deflated at the thought of my poor neglected composition.

"You fell asleep at your computer, didn't you?"  Jackson brought a hand up to rub at his temples.  "Why do you do that to you neck man?"

"Hey!  I actually went to bed this time!"  It was now my turn to stare my friend down with my pointer.  Jackson, however, seemed more effected by my words than my actions.  A look of pleasant surprise morphed his features.

"Really?  Wow, okay.  But I'm still worried about your health!"  We stared each other down until the little bell attached to the door rang.  I heard the sound and scrambled to the front counter, happy for the distraction.

The soft thrum of the café's music was the only thing that kept me from loosing my mind.  The anticipation of seeing Jimin again, the intensity of which vexed me, was driving me insane.  By the time 30 minutes before my shift ended hit, I could barely hold still.  If I wasn't slinging lattes, I was checking stock, washing dishes, or if nothing else, just pacing.  Right as I turned on my heel to check the straws for the fifteenth time, I felt a hand on my shoulder.  It pulled me to face the owner.  Jane, who had shone up earlier in the middle of a rush, firmly walked me toward the back.

"I don't think I've ever seen you so nervous before. What's going on with you Y/N?"  The concern in her eyes was evident, swimming around in their ponds.  I let out a sigh, allowing myself to be placed in a chair.

"Well,"  I sigh again. "It's going to sound cliche, but there's this guy that came in on Tuesday."  I clammed up and looked over at Jane.  She looked back up at me from where she was crouching next to my chair.  The concern hadn't disappeared, but accompanied by enough curiosity and understanding to steel my nerves and dissipate my self-consciousnesses.  "He was really cute so I bought him a coffee cake to go with his coffee.  He want to pay for it himself, so I said that if he wanted to repay me he could stop by after my shift today.  I'm really nervous, and I have no idea why.  I even brought a shirt to change into!"  I looked down at my hand, picking at a stray cuticle that  was partially cut, but still hanging on.  Jane saw my fidgeting and put a hand over mine.

"Stop that.  You're going to make yourself bleed."  She let go and I smooshed my hands between my thighs to stop myself from fiddling with it further.  "And as for that guy, not only must he be a sweetheart for you to like him, but he also has to be interested in you to have agreed.  You're just twisting yourself in circles for nothing honey."  Once again I focus on her eyes.  Though softened with age, there was no doubt of the stringency in them.

"But what if he's just being nice?  Or if he felt pressured by me?"  Now it was Jane's turn to sigh.  She shook her and patted my knee before using it to push herself off the ground.

"That my dear, excuse my language, is bullshit."  If it hadn't been for the firmness of Jane's voice and the sincerity laced with it, I would have laughed at the swear coming from the soft woman.  "You read people like you read books.  There is no way you missed such an overt social cue.  Not in a million years."  Jane grabbed my shoulder again and stood me up.  She grabbed my bag from where I had left it on my way in and handed it to my.  "Now go out there and get yourself a man."  At that I chuckled.


This chapter go reeeeally long.... lol whoops!  Also wth Yoongi?  You just gonna say the mixtape is gonna take a hot minute and then fucking drop it?  When we're not ready???????

Daechwita is currently my fucking jam... I need some bread. (Don't worry, I know that wasn't funny)

Also, if finished this yesterday and I don't really have a schedule sooo... I'm posting it now. Buh bye!

Love you all! <3

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