why can't you see me as i do you?

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The moment our eyes locked, I knew it had to be her. The mark on my arm buzzed even more. Not the excited shimmering that had resided there before, be a low soothing hum. A hum that told me this was it, I was looking at my soulmate.

My heart soared.

Then it immediately dropped when I saw the lack of recognition in Y/n's eyes. I cleared my throat and painstakingly tore my eyes from hers. I picked up my phone to take a look at the time. I blinked a few times before quickly jumping up from my chair, panic slowly building in my chest.

"Oh shit. I have to go. Sorry." I looked back across the table to see Y/n watching me with softness in her eyes, not being able to detect the flicker of something else holding behind it. I shifted my gaze to the floor, shifting from foot to foot nervously.

"Um, can I have another hug please?" I felt crimson flood my cheeks as I stood there suddenly feeling awkward. "I mean, you don't have to. I ju-" I was cut off by two arms winding around me, soft and strong. The newfound bond hummed with comfort and pleasure, something I wasn't sure Y/n could feel, but enjoyed nonetheless.

"This was nice. We should do it again." Her voice resonated in her chest, her height making it easy for me to feel it against my still pink cheeks, rested comfortably against her collar bone. All I could do was nod lazily and snake my arms around her to return the embrace. Just like earlier when I had bumped into Y/n rushing into the café, I couldn't help but take in her intoxicating scent.

Eventually I pulled back hoping I hadn't made Y/n uncomfortable. The soft smile lifting her lips soothed that anxiety quickly. Again my eyes drifted to her own, finding the same oblivious, gentle gaze as she watched me. I felt the barely faded blush once again creep onto my face, this time spreading down my neck as I realized she was unabashedly watching my lips. I felt it spread farther, painting itself down my chest as she reached up and wiped away a bit of whipped cream with her thumb...

And proceeded to press it to my lips. My breath hitched as my mouth wrapped around the digit, sucking off the sweet substance before releasing it with a slight pop. Y/n's eyes darkened, throat bobbing as she swallowed. She drug her teeth over her bottom lip before raising her gaze to mine, a smirk following in the wake of the pearly whites.

"You said you had to get going, right?" A teasing air wormed its way into Y/n's voice. I swiped my tongue over my lips, trying to wet them in order to speak.

"Ye-" My voice cracked, causing me to clear my throat. "Yeah." The sound that came out was not my usual tamber, instead replaced by something between a mumble and a squeak. I stared at Y/n saying nothing until she tossed her head in the direction of my bag.

"Don't forget that, okay sweetheart?" The teasing was gone, replaced by a smooth rumbling that rolled from between Y/n's lips. I took half a step forward, slowly angling my head before my eyes once more caught hers. Once again, disappointment filled me as I quickly caught myself, this time accompanied by a near agony.

"Thank you for the coffee. And the company." I grabbed my bag, my voice barely above a whisper. "I hope to see you again soon." I took one more glance, the only thing I could manage at the moment, and dashed out the door. My eyes slowly filled with tears as I whipped out my phone and called the only one that I knew could help me through this. The line rang once, twice. Half way through the third it stopped, replaced by a soft baritone.

"Hey Jimin, don't worry about being late. Jin hasn't even started cooking yet." He sounded unfazed, bored even, which I knew meant he was just trying to make me feel better about being late. Not like I was worried about that right now anyway.

"Yoongi hyung? I found her." I sniffed into the receiver. "I found our soulmate."

"What? Jimin, that's great! But what's wrong?  Why do you sound like you're crying?" Yoongi hyung's voice held concern tainted with a degree of suspicion.

"She doesn't know."


You ever have that moment were you start laughing... and then end up crying for no fucking reason.  That happened to me while proof-reading this chapter.

I'm fine, I guess? lol anyway.  Can we talk about how fucking perfect Hobi is?  Like seriously!  I love him so fucking much uwu.

Also, my friend reads these before I post them and uh, I think she hates me now... hehe, whoops.

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