And In Dreams...

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Catherine woke up in a cold sweat, stirring the form beside them. They whipped there feet over the side of the bed, anxious to get some answers.

"Hansome, what's wrong." Ruby's face was etched with concern.

"Nothing for you to worry about rubes. I just need to tell Y/n about a dream I had. There's something that I'm missing." Ruby nodded and pressed a kiss to her lovers hand before rolling back over and submitting to the confines of sleep.

Catherine however, had no such luxury. They pulled a cardigan over their shoulder and barged into the room over. Y/n bolted upright, fear causing her to reach for the blade next to her bed.

"It's me." Y/n grip relaxed at the sound of her friend's voice. "I need you to hear this."

Y/n slumped back against the headboard. Catherine waited patiently in the door frame until their friend scooted over and threw the blankets open for them. She patted the spot next to them, throwing to blankets back over their legs once the two were settled. Once she was ready, Y/n lifted her head again and nodded. Catherine didn't skip a beat.

"Okay, so, you know how sometimes you have like these super specific profetic dreams?" Y/n nodded, starting to see the direction it was headed. "Well, mine are much more common and super obscure."

"What did you see?" It was a common occurrence that when something confused Catherine, they'd ask Y/n for help without fail. Most of the time it was social ques, but dreams weren't exactly rare either.

Catherine sighed, readying themself for the conversation to come. "Well-" They took a deep breath. Y/n, too tired too be impatient, waited for them.

"It's about you." Y/n nodded, watching her anxious best friend carefully. "And your soulmates... I think. I saw The Lovers. Your Lovers. They spoke to me, told me that you need to open your eyes. They said you soulmates are right in front of you and to keep a look out for them. They also said: 'It has begun. Listen to the tarot my child. We will guide her on her path.' I think... I think you should do a reading tomorrow." Y/n sighed, the weight of Catherine's word sinking down on her chest.

"I haven't spoken with the tarot is so long" Catherine elbowed her.

"They also said to scold you for that." They let out a chuckle. "And, not to blame yourself." Y/n nodded again, a tired, but genuine, smile lifting her lips.

"Thanks Cate. I'll spend some time with the tarot tomorrow after class. Will you be home?" Catherine bobbed their head enthusiastically. "Will you sit with me them?" Catherine laced their head on her shoulder.

"Of course I will."


It's pretty short, but like... I haven't posted in so long and I finally had an idea lol.

Edit: I just realized I wrong this in the wrong freaking perspective.  I'll be fixing it soon.

Edit numero 2: Yeah... I remember why I did that now lol.

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