And Thus it Begins

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"If you don't get up then I get to eat you."

"No! No vore!"

"Riley, shut the fuck up. I need to get her up somehow."

I couldn't help but chuckle at the exchange. "Ever heard of a bribe?" Catherine seemed to ponder the idea from their perch on my door frame.

"I've got this." Riley pushed her way past Catherine, plate in hand. "Get up and I'll make you breakfast. Riley handed Catherine the plate, a pristine omelet laying in the middle.

"I'm up!" I jumped out of bed, my stomach howling at the sight of food. I stopped in the doorway, now void of roommate waking friends. "Wait, neither of you made coffee right?" I looked between the two, the rich smell of beans now pervasive in the small apartment.

"I did!" I sighed in relief upon hearing Ruby from the kitchen. I seemed as if I really would have a good breakfast.

"I don't understand how you can drink that shit. Bean soup for breakfast. Ridiculous!" I chuckled at Catherine's antics, weaving my way through the kitchen to the espresso machine. I picked up the cup between the machine and the coffee pot next to it, drinking in the scent before taking an actual sip.

"Caffeinated bean soup." Ruby pointed a spatula at her Catherine before leaning across the counter and giving them a kiss.

"Yeah, you I get Roobs. Y/n? Nah ah. She isn't even affected by caffeine. I just don't understand." Catherine threw their gaze to me a steely look of inspection on their face. I couldn't help but shrug.

"It's a blessing and a curse. As for the coffee, it tastes good. That and I've been drinking coffee for so long that it's become a cue for my brain to get the fuck up." I took a sip as Catherine shook their head, muttering to themself about me being a weirdo.

I sat down at the table, my spot facing the door with a 'decorational' sword nearby. The hilt matched nicely with the machete next to my bed. I sighed and leaned back in my chair, taking a sip from my drink before letting it rest on the flat of my chest just above my bust. The warmth seeped into my skin, my chest raising and falling with unlabored ease.



"Order up!" I bolted upright in bed, the sound of a plate sliding onto a wooden table clearly not belonging.

"Oh! Mushrooms!" My soulmate's voice played in my ears smooth and untroubled.

"Bleh. Mushrooms." Another voice I didn't recognize, different from the first, sounded off to my right before a soft pat and my soulmate spoke again.

"Bitch. Leave me and my poor mushrooms alone."

"Absolutely not. You're disgusting!" The second voice again.

"You're the disgusting one. I could hear you and Ruby at 5 this morning. 5! AM!" The first voice came from my left.

"Me? Do something gay? Never!" The full laughter of my soulmate reverberated in my ears, the sound raising one corner of my lips.

Then it was gone. There was no longer the soft clatter of pans, nor the faint smell of black coffee. The saucer sized spot on my chest that had been warm faded along with the press of a chair back. The warm room with cream walls and black counter tops, the wooden table laden with breakfast foods returned to the blue-grey walls of my dim bedroom. I sighed and flopped back onto my bed. Then sat up again.

I couldn't just not talk about it. I rose from the warm cocoon of blankets that I had nestled myself into for the night and shuffled out of my room. My feet barely lifted from the carpet, taking their time in placing me in front of a door just down the hall from my. I lifted a loose fist and knocked. I heard grumbling from the other side of the room. The bed creaked as the occupant lifted himself from the center to put on slippers. The door opened to a bleary-eyed Yoongi hyung. I didn't say anything as I nudged my into his chest.

"What's up Jimin? Did you not sleep well?" Yoongi hyung wrapped his arms around me, hands resting flat against my back. I shook my head, nuzzling myself deeper in the process.

"No, that's not it." I raised my head, meeting Yoongi hyung's confused gaze. "Remember how I recognized our soulmate?" Hyung nodded. "The connections have started." A look of realization crossed his features. Yoongi hyung pulled me into the room, closing the door behind me as he led me over to his bed. He slid off his slippers before rolling into the bed and beckoning me to join him. Not willing to miss the rare occurrence of a cuddly Yoongi, I quickly crawled in after him, placed my head on his chest and closed my eyes.

"What did you see Jiminie?" His morning voice reverberated in his chest, rumbling against my ear. All I could do was tell him.

I told him about being woken up to breakfast. I told him about the kitchen, about her friendly argument. I told him about her friends, how one of them had made her food, how one had made her laugh, how she looked at another with fondness. I told him she was happy. I told him she was warm and fed.

I left out the lonely ache still gnawing at my chest, its clawing digging deeper into my heart with every second. I left out the longing and jealousy, the hopelessness, when she saw one of her friends kiss the top of another's head.

I left out that with those feelings, came acceptance.


Um... Too much?  Nah, never.

Sorry I've been gone so long.  I've been struggling with my mental health more than usual and I had no motivation TT.  But honestly?  Writing helps.

Thank you so much for reading and votes!  Y'all are so sweet, Imma get some friggin' cavities.

Love you all so much uwu I'llstopnow <3

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