Vera Vixen

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The first 20 minutes was always a little awkward for me as I stood on the dance floor by myself getting Riley's energy started for the night while everyone else rushed to the bar to get their drinks.  Luckily, the well-known bar quickly flooded with patrons, some skipping the bar for the time being and joining me in hyping the DJ.  Tonight all employees that were easily recognized were there.  With Ruby being one of the owners, Riley the resident DJ, and Jackson and I being nearly full-time at the bar, it was safe to say we were all fairly common fixtures.

Regulars were quick to join me on the dance floor, some chatting me up, others letting their bodies do the talking for them.  Those who were new and/or teetered on the edge were whorled into the slowly growing crowd as I skirted the edges and plucked the lovely flowers from their spots on the wall.  In the middle of an other round of increasing the density of the already packed dance floor, a hand shot out and pulled me toward the source.  Upon colliding with a body, the hand found its way to rest on my hip, an other hand finding the place to match it on my opposite side.

"You must be the infamous Vera Vixen."  I gritted my teeth at the treatment, but smiled and swayed my hips against his hands nonetheless.  If I had wanted to, I could have had a knee in his neck already.

"That's me Cher, what can I do ya for?"  I tilted my head, letting the lights hit my eyes from their places on the ceiling.

"Why don't you dance with me for a bit?"  He grinned at me in a way that he must have thought was sexy, but seemed a bit predatory to me.  I tried to wiggle from his grasp, placing a hand on his chest and gently pushing.

"Well Cher, I'm not sure I really have to time right now.  If I do, I know where to find you."  I gave a wink and turned in his grasp, only to be pulled back into his chest.  He dipped his head into the crook of my neck, fingers digging into my hips.

"Why not?  Am I not good enough to take up your precious time?"  I could feel the grit of his teeth where his jaw rested against mine.  From the way he was standing, I could tell that he was trying to seem taller and more intimidating than me.  I took a small breath and turned back around, drawing my hands around his neck.

"Of course not Cher!"  I tipped my head, putting my lips up to his ears.  "If you want me to dance with you, I need to know your name."   I could feel him smirk against my neck, doing my best to repress a shudder.

"Kallum, but you can call me daddy."  I caught the eyes of a girl who seemed to be watching me and pretended to gag over his shoulder.  She gave me an okay sign mouthing the same word with a questioning glance.  I smiled and gave a curt nod before turning my attention back to this human shaped stain.

"Well, Kallum, this is no way to treat a lady, much less your hostess.  I think it's high time your drunk ass went home.

"What?"  Was all he could utter before my foot swept out and dug into the backs of his knees, knocking him flat on his ass.  I didn't bother to cushion his head against the fall.  I happily remebered my previous wishes and placed the flat of my shin just below his clavicle, and shifted most of my weight to the other, situated right next to his head.

"Riley!"  I shouted as patrons moved back, some looking scared, others intrigued.  The music cut and Riley picked up the mic.

"Houston, we have a problem here."  She pointedly looked at Jackson while gesturing to me and my captive on the floor.  People began crowding around to see the commotion, blocking Jackson from getting through.

"Hey! Fucking move!"   I shooed a path open for Jackson from where I sat on the ground.

"Get off of me, you crazy bitch!"  Mr. Shitstain, AKA Kallum, screamed from the floor.  I observed his breathing for a moment, leaning back and sitting on his stomach after determining he was just being a little bitch about it.

"Shut up asshole."  Just then, Jackson popped through.  "Check his wallet.  Make sure you have his name and face memorized."  Jackson dug into the man's pocket, coming out victorious with a small, folded leather wallet.  He pulled out his phone and the man's lisence and took a picture, verifying it was readable before tucking it back in the wallet.  I stood up and let Jackson hand the wallet back and grab the asshole's arm, quickly ushering him out of the bar.

"Hell yeah!"  A female voice screamed from behind me.  I turned to see the same woman who offered to help me earlier.  Riley quickly caught on and picked up the mic again.

"Let's give it up for Vera with the Big W!"  Riley started up the music again as people cheered and started dancing again.

"You, my friend," I pointed at the woman.  "Deserve a drink for that."  I grabbed her arm and pulled her over to the bar.  I quickly bussled her over and caught Ruby's attention

"Roobs, get this woman a drink!"  Ruby came shuffling over, grabbing a cup on her way.

"What can I get for you ma'am?"  Ruby listened intently, placing an energy drink on the counter for me.  I popped the top and began chugging.

"Oh, I don't know.  Let me think."  She placed her chin in her hand in thought.  I finished off the energy drink and began coughing.  Ruby slid the, now full, glass over to me.  I quickly picked it up and tossed it down my throat in big gulps.  "Probably just a beer."  The woman said.  Ruby filled my glass again while listing off the beers we had on tap.  She slid the glass over and I repeated the process of tipping the liquid down my throat.

After she picked out her brew, the woman tried to pay. "Nope, I won't be taking your money, so don't even try."  Ruby flitted off to serve another customer.  The woman pouted for a moment before I grasped her arm once again.

"Come on, we're going to go dance with the DJ."  Her eyes widened, and I couldn't help but chuckle.  Pulled her up and next to Riley, the bass pulsing in my head.  "What's you name?"  I had to nearly scream over the speakers to be hear.

"Moonbyul!"  The name fit her.  Her dark hair fell in waves over her shoulders, perfectly framing her soft, oblong face.  The little nose scrunched as she smiled, beaming at Riley who latched onto an arm and pulled it to her waist.

"I'm Vera!"  I stood on the other side of Riley, carefully watching the beer in Moonbyul's hand as it gently sloshed.  She took a drink, bringing it down from the top of the glass and away from the expensive equipment.

We both swayed to the pound of the bass, shouting along to lyrics that I now knew by heart.  Riley slid her hand across the board, doing her thing and vibing to the music.  At one point, she picked up the mike and worked the crowd a little bit.  She looked over at me holding a disc.  I read it and nodded.  I quickly dash to where Jackson was watching the door, taking one of his subordinates, Jaebum, so he could set up.  Letting one song bleed into another, Riley asked the crowd to find a seat somewhere as Jaebum drug a weighted base with a pole attached to it toward the center.  He came back and I ran back into the storage room to get dress for my impromptu performance.

Waltzing back out, I was clad in a set of booty shorts and flashy bra that held my chest in place.  Riley let track the end before cutting the music all together.

"Thank you, everyone, for your cooperation.  For those who don't know, our lovely gogo dancer, and face of this establishment, is also a pole dancer.  She has decided to grace us with a performance tonight.  Please welcome to the floor, Vera Vixen!"


Don't worry, I cringe at the stage name as well.  Also, yes, MC is a pole dancer because she is an strong independent nutsack who don't need no balls.

Just thought this might come in handy...  I have never needed a pet name list before but uh, yeah.  Here it is.

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