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As soon as Jimin busted through the door, my arms were around him. The string that was holding him upright on his way home snapped and the flood of his tears quickly followed. My throat clenched as I held him, Namjoon and Jungkook looking between us and each other in confusion and concern. When Namjoon's lips parted to speak I gave a curt shake of my head. Jimin would talk when he was ready.

Seeing Jimin pained, and me struggling to comfort the small man, Jungkook took long strides to reach us on the floor just inside the, still open, door. He gently shut the door before scooping us into his embrace. He guided Jimin and I to stand and waddle toward the couch, where we both gladly collapsed. Hoseok must have heard Jimin, because he popped his head in from where he had been helping Jin in the kitchen, face immediately lacing with concern to match the others. Soon enough, Jin and Taehyung had found their ways to the living room. Each of us was gently trying to comfort Jimin, each of us failing, and each of us silently agreeing to let the poor, distraught man have a moment to release his sorrow.

I didn't know how long we sat there staying close to Jimin, trying to at least let him know we were there with him. When he finally lifted his head, I couldn't help but push his hair back and wipe at his cheeks. Some time ago, Jin had pulled Jimin into his lap, currently pulling the smaller man's form closer into his own.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Namjoon sat next to Jin opposite me. Jin quietly murmured words of encouragement and comfort into Jimin's ear, slowly helping him ground himself back with the rest of us. Jimin slowly turned to sit with his back pressed against Jin's chest where his face had been buried just moments before. Jimin looked across the room and began shaking, fear and sorrow carving the lines of his soft features into an unyielding mask. His hand reached out toward me, and then and there I couldn't snatched it up fast enough. The relief that visually washed over him still wasn't enough to rid his face of the negative emotions. My presence and my knowledge of the situation seemed to calm Jimin.

"Jimin, you don't have to say anything. I can say it for you." Even though I felt the same as Jimin looked, I knew I had to stay strong for him. His wide-open heart was so full, yet the smallest things devastated Jimin. I couldn't imagine what was going through his head, let alone his heart. But nonetheless, Jimin shook his head, resolve shifting the lines of his face.

"No," He sniffed, voice surprisingly level. "I can do it hyung." Jimin's breath was a little ragged from crying and shaking. We all watched with concern as he took a few more deep breaths, eventually letting out a long, determined sigh.

"I fou-" Jimin cleared his throat. "I found our soulmate." He looked down at the little butterfly tattoo on his arm as everyone else looked at each other elated, confused, and perturbed by Jimin's response. All I could do was clutch into his hand and try, just try, to convey my understanding. When one of the boys opened their mouths to speak, once again I hushed them. This was already hard enough. "Our soulmate, she didn't recognise me. I felt it, I felt the bond form but-" Jimin looked down at his hands, voice shaking, tears falling once again. "she couldn't tell that we're fated. She couldn't see that it was me." The tears fell faster, the temporary damn Jimin had built to tell the others crumbled to nothing as he threw himself back into Jin's chest.

All hell broke loose. Taehyung let out a small "what?" Before breaking down with Jimin. Hoseok tried to comfort him as he failed to keep his own tears at bay. Namjoon was trying to get more information out of Jimin while Jin did his best to fend off the only other currently rational person in the house. I ran a hand through my hair, pulling at the roots in an attempt to ground myself. The only one not moving was Jungkook.

He sat there, a statue. I couldn't reach him fast enough for the look that sat heavily on his features. I wrapped an arm around his shoulder, pressing the youngest against me broke get everyone's attention.


I had to figure it out. I knew Jimin was fragile right then, but if I could just clear things up a little... What did he mean by she 'didn't recognize' him? She didn't reject him did she? Would she reject the rest of us? Where did he ever run into her? God, what was her name even?

"I know you're all distraught right now, but you need to listen to me." Yoongi hyung waited til he saw everyone looking at him. "First of all, Jimin, do you know her?" Everyone now turned to Jiminie who tucked himself tighter into Jin hyung's lap. He sniffed, trying to gather himself before speaking.

"Yeah. It's Y/n, that girl that Namjoon hyung and Hobi hyung met." We all looked between each other. "I met her at the coffee shop that she works at. She asked me to meet her there after her shift. I didn't even realize." Yoongi rubbed a hand up and down Jimin's arm.

"Then maybe Y/n's just is taking a bit longer than you Jimin." I engulfed his hands in my own, hoping I could bring him some semblance of comfort. He looked up at me, eyes wide with trust, silently urging me to do something, anything. "How bout this." I began to stroke the back of his hands with my thumbs keeping a gentle, steady rhythm. "I'll go to the library and do all the research that I can. Then I'll come back and tell you everything, and I mean everything, that I find." Jimin nodded, seemingly content with my solution. For now at least.

"Namjoonie hyung, I don't," He let out a heavy sigh. "I don't know if I can stay away from her. I know I just met her, but she already feels like home." I moved one hand from his to Jimin's cheek. I brushed away a stray tear that hadn't yet dried.

"You don't have to Minnie. Just take it slow, okay? We don't want to scare her off now that we've found her." Jimin nodded enthusiastically.

"She likes me!" He looked down to his hands, a doofy smile stretching his lips. "She likes me." Whatever was going on in his head had Jimin giggling and humming happily.

All of a sudden, Jimin threw himself forward and into me. He clutched at the fabric of my t-shirt, face buried in my neck as I wrapped my arms around him as well.

"Thanks Namjoonie hyung."


I know, I know I made our precious bby boi cri.  I'm sorry, okay?  Feel free to hate me <3

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