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I stretched my arms upward in an attempt to alleviate the tension that had settled in my shoulders during my time at the library.  I continue the process, slowly rocking my neck side to side with the occasional pop.  I stood up, doing my best not to disturb either of my friends who sat at the table with me.  I pushed in the chair, not wanting to trip over it, me being the clumsy person that I am.  Bending over, I tapped the floor a couple times before resting the pads of my fingers in front of me to balance myself as I flexed my legs back and forth, incidentally rocking my hips in the process.

"Y/N, you absolute slut!" Catherine quietly exclaimed.  Her eyes shimmered with amusement to match her smile. "I can see your entire ass!" I chuckled in response.

"Do you really think I give a damn?" She giggled as I dropped my lower body to meet the upper in a squat while tugging my bag toward me to grab my wallet. "I'm going to go get something to drink, want anything?" I looked between the two sitting at the table.

"Hey uh, Y/N?" I looked up to see Riley pointing to another corner across the library. "Looks like someone else gives a damn." My eyes followed her gesture to see two boys, both of them looking at me.  One had caught his bottom lip between his teeth.  The other, and seemingly older of the two, with a look of light appreciation.  The joggers I was wearing didn't leave much to the imagination.

The younger was pulled out of his stupor when his friend lightly backhanded his arm to get his attention.  As they went back to whatever they were doing, I stood up and began walking in their direction.

"Get it!"  Riley's encouragement was accompanied by snickers.

"Leave them alone Y/N, they probably meant nothing by it."  Catherine's tired voice had me walking backwards so I could face her.

"You don't know that." I threw a wink in her direction and faced forward again, ignoring the deep sigh I got in response.

Approaching the table made butterflies explode in my stomach, nervousness and excitement driving their movements.  They stayed with me even as I pulled out a chair an plopped myself across from the boys, causing them to finally notice my presence.

"It's not nice to stare at a lady's ass like that without her permission." I started off.  I smirked as noticed a blush blooming across the younger boy's cheeks.  The older, however, was not dissuaded by my comment.

He looked around and shrugged. "I don' t see any, so we should be fine."  His gaze landed on me, boring searing holes on my face.

"Damn," I scoffed, "With a tongue that sharp, no wonder you're so lonely that you'd insult a complete stranger."  I could feel my eyes shift to a molten stare, not bothering to shift them away from the boy's.

"You insulted us first."  His gaze narrowed into a piercing glare, his body shifting and tensing as if ready to throw the boy next to him out of the way in case I pounced.

On the opposite side of the table, I willed my muscles to relax and leveled my voiced as I responded.  "Oh contraire my dear!  I merely started a conversation."  I allowed one side of my lips float upward into a cat-like smirk.  At this he nodded and turned his slightly softened gaze to the surface of the table in thought.

"Yoongi."  He stretched his hand across the table, a hint of respect glinting in his eyes as I accepted the gesture with a firm grip.

"Y/N."  The smirk eased into a light smile as the other side of my mouth joined the first.

"I'm Taehyung!" The younger boy's voice was pure fucking candy.  Sweet and deeper than the Mariana Trench, an angelic smile gracing his features, unadulterated by the fear and nerves that had so recently tainted his emotions.  A slight chuckled escaped past my lips at the charming display.

"Nice to meet you Taehyung." I glanced at his friend. "You too Yoongi."

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