A Well Deserved Nap

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I sat up on my bed, my stomach discontented with the lack of attention it was getting.

"It's okay buddy.  We'll get something for you."  I patted my stomach, trying to console the poor organ.  I pulled out a box of off-brand mac and cheese and switched the tap onto warm.  I set a pot under the now hot water to fill.  After putting the nearly full sauce pan on the stove and turning the flames til they barely licked the edges of the reservoir, I went to my room and grabbed my computer, my anxious my unable to focus on anything but continue the study session my stomach had so selfishly interrupted and the midterms that were just around the corner.

A few stray letters to appear on the screen from my fingers freezing in fright and surprise.  The second symbol on my arm was buzzing at a steady, incessant frequency.  My mind drifted from the screen to my the little cat that rested there, curled up in a soft, comfortable ball.  The little kitty continued to rumble on my skin, the feeling almost that of a cat gently purring as they rested on your chest.  I could almost imagine the scenario, a soft calm washing over me while my mind gently started to clear of the mild panic that had begun to set in.  

I gently rubbed the small symbol with my thumb, glad that the little kitty had been there for me.  I quickly finished up my oh-so-healthy meal, dishing it out between a bowl for now and a Tupperware that I stuck into the fridge that would probably end up being one of my mid-shift meals.  The soft rumble stayed with me while I finished up the chapter which, previously having been considered very dull and difficult, was quickly understood.  

The homework, although quickened and reduced in difficulty at the thought of not being alone, took me multiple hours to finish.  Food long since finished, my eyes drooped as I became aware of the clock that glared at me with angry red numbers that judged me for staying up til 1:37 AM.  I looked at the document in front of me, resigning the idea of going to bed.  As I walked toward the coffee maker to brew a pot for me and my new friend Mr. AwlKnighter, the buzz in my arm was join by another, the feeling sending fuzzies to cloud my once determined mind.  I shook my head to clear my brain and restate my current objective: Get shit done.  The small shield like stamp in the middle of the symbols wasn't going to get the best of me.  The clarity however, was short lived as another, much more persuasive buzz formed from the first symbol; a simple little cottage in the woods, smoke gently floating from the chimney into the night sky.

Before I really realize what I was doing, my feet had drug themselves to my room where my hands pushed back the covers without my knowing.  It wasn't until I was half asleep that I finally could comprehend what I happened.  With this, I also recognized: that document wasn't going to be done tonight.

Oh well.


Yoongi looked down at his arm, a small smile lifting one side of his lips as he felt his soulmate slowly drift into the unconsciousness of sleep.  Whoever they are, they work too hard.  His thoughts drifted to way his stubborn heart had clenched when could feel her panic radiating off of the swirl of ink that graced his arm.  "No matter what, I'll find you."  Yoongi couldn't help the wave of protectiveness he felt for whoever was on the other side of the connection, his voice filling the darkness of the room.  "And I'll make sure you never feel that way again."

You have my word little butterfly.


Oof... Well that took too long to write.  I fear I may be loosing my touch *dramatically sighs, hand pressed to forehead*  Btw, I totally just came up with the tattoo for MC like *checks non-existent watch* 20 seconds ago.  Please forgive me and my slow updates, but likely, the AP Bio test this year was a bitch and a half.

I love you all! <3

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