Chapter 5 An even worse nightmare

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Blades then opened his optics and was horrified to see that he was somewhere else and that his friends where gone to he thought to himself "not again".

He tried to move but he looked and saw his arms and legs where changed up he started to struggle madly.

Zara then said "oh you look so cute when you're scared I know we're meant to be together and NO BODY CAN HAVE YOU BUT ME"!

Blades looked at Zara she was smiling like a creep blades felt very scared but he still screamed "NO I'M NOT YOURS I LOVE HANNAH SHE'S SMART, PRETTY, AND NICE AND I WONT BE WITH SOMEONE WHO WILL KILL MY FRIENDS JUST TO BE WITH"-.

Blades was interrupted when Zara hit him so hard that he bled and said "that brat does not love you and I will make shure you'll be mine"!

She then grabbed blades face and kissed him. He hated this and he hated her she then pulled away and smiled and she look like a mentally insane person.

Zara then grabbed the changes that was holding blades in place and said "you're mine you hear me mine your friends will be gone soon and you'll be mine alone".

Blades shook his head madly and started to cry pleading her to not hurt his friends He screamed "Zara please no don't hurt them You can't do this you just can't".

Blades didn't finish because she slapped him again and yelled "I can do whatever I want and don't worry once I rewrite your memories you'll love me just as mush as I love you blades and you won't care what I do to your friends".

She then kissed blades again and her hand started to go down to a bad place but luckily. Blades had thankfully woken up from the nightmare he looked around and saw that his friends where ok he breathe a sigh of relief.

He then look at his bed and was shock to see some energon on the bed he put his hand on where Zara hit him and saw that he was bleeding. He was freaked out by this and got up and walked around for a bit and thought of what to say to the others he then heard someone say.

"blades are you ok"?

He turn around and saw Hannah with a concerned look on her face blades suddenly broke down in to tears and told her about his nightmare.

Hannah thought to herself "oh dear this is bad but the people she love never had a nightmares like this before but at least it was not the thing that would make phantom want to scream out of rage".

Hannah then gave blades a big hug and comfort him while some tears slid down her face as well she wiped one off her face and put it on blades wound.

Blades felt Hannah putting one of her tears on his injury he let go of her and ask "w-what did you do that for"?

Hannah told him to look at his wound when he did and it was gone like it never happened.

He ask "H-Hannah h-how did you- "

Hannah interrupted him by saying "my tears have heling powers when I'm sad for my friends and family".

Blades was very confused but decided not to say anything Hannah then put her arm over blades shoulder and said "let's go back to sleep". 

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