Chapter 11 A happy ending

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Skeleton then came crashing in the room eye flaming and said "ok weddings over".

Zara and blades looked over at him and everyone else came in as well.

Zara got angry that they had crashed her wedding she screamed "What how did you all get out of the cell".

Slime more said "we had some help Hannah's pen pale helped use escape".

Zara said "well I guess that once I'm done with all of you I'll kill her next and then resume my wedding".

Skeleton said "I'm sorry but you're not getting married you brained washed blades and you tried to do the same thing to the love of my life Hannah".

The bots and burses all looked at skeleton when he said that.

Phantom said "if your all wondering what he means by that it happened when we first meet Zara she fell in love with Hannah".

Zara said "yes that brat is loved by everyone even I loved her but that was before she killed my brother now I've came to hate this brat but she does make a good accessory".

Skeleton said "Hannah is not a brat and she's not an accessory".

Zara the pulled out her scythe and tried to attack skeleton but the other all helped him fight her off blades was trying to stay away from the fight.

Heatwave knew that he had to do something to restore blades memories then an idea came to him. He had managed to get to blades who backed himself right into the wall he grabbed blades arms.

Heatwave said "Blades pleas you need to remember Zara rewrote your memories you don't love her".

Blades was trying to get away and said "no your lying I do love her and she didn't do that to me".

Blades the had some sort of flashed of memory from when he and heatwave first meet.

Heatwave said "blades deep down you know this isn't who you are and I can prove it".

Heatwave the pulled blades in for a kiss blades was stunned by this but then he remembered everything. He remembered his home, his family, when he came to earth and, he remembered all of his friends.

Zara saw this and scream "NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO".

Blades pulled away and got in Zara's way he said "Zara I remembered everything now you rewrote my memories you not going to hurt any more of my friends".

Zara screamed "No I won't allow it I'll just rewrite your memories again".

Skeleton said "I think that your days of manipulation are over Zara".

A bone then impaled Zara and the star gem came flying off her dress.

Hannah then came out of it with her blue dress combine with her armor on.

Zara slipped off the bone and tried to attack Hannah but Hannah was faster than her she teleported out of the way and said and incantation "with the sun and mood I banish this spirit of evil before me in to a realm of spirits".

A portal then opened up right behind Zara and she struggled to not get sucked up. She screamed "YOU BRAT I'LL BE BACK I'LL HAVE MY REVENGE".

Zara was then sucked up and disappeared Hannah relaxed after she did it but everything started to collapse.

Frost flare scream "we need to get out of here with out Zara the whole place will collapse".

Everyone ran out of the volcano before if completely came down.

Hannah took a breath of relief and said "well heatwave looks like you where able to tell blades how you really feel about him".

Heatwave said "well your boyfriend was able to help me be brave enough to do it".

Blades said "well to be honest Heatwave I always did like you but back one cybertronic you had a girlfriend so I thought you wouldn't be interested in me".

Heatwave laughed "well once we broke up I soon started to have feelings for you blades".

Hannah smiled at this and said "well its time for you all to go home".

Hannah the opened a portal fore the bots an burses they went through not before Hannah told the to visit soon.

When they got home the mayor asked them where they all were.

Chef said "it's a long story but it can wait right now we have emergency's to take care of".

Once every thing was taken care of they all went back to the firer house and where happy to be home again and blades and Heatwave where happy to finally be together.

(back with Hannah and her friends) After everything that happen Hannah and her friend had started to make plans to rebuild their hangout. After they rest Hannah was happy that her new friends where now alright and Zara was back in the spirit realm.

A/N Thats it folks the last chapter It would've been out sooner but I got sick last week but know I'm better. If you want to see more from me then fallow and vote please so you can br notfied when ever I post a new story well see you all in the next one. bye for now.

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