Chapter 1: Traveling

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For once i'm excited! Today is the day that I go to London for a support group. I signed up for it months ago, at my therapy session, to make sure that I could go. I grab my phone and suitcase and slip on my jacket as I walk out of my warm, cozy apartment and into the dreary weather of Manchester, England.

        I wait by the curb for my best friend, Jacob, to arrive to take me to the airport. I pull my dirty blonde hair into a ponytail as he pulls up in his dark green Jeep. He gets out and helps me put my suitcases in the back. When it's all in I quickly climb into the passenger seat and internally rejoice at the warmth of his Jeep, as he starts the engine. "So, Aspen are you excited for your trip to London" Jacob asked, as we pull onto the main road. I nod my head "Definitely! Believe it or not but I haven't actually been to London before." I informed him. He turns and gapes at me and I snap my fingers and point to the road before he causes a accident. "Sorry." He said, and moved his attention back to the road. "But London is only like 7 hours away by car, how have you never been". I just shrug my shoulders and start unconsciously tracing my arrow tattoo on my wrist that i got in honor of him. " Me and him always planned on going but...well you know what happend" I said, blinking away tears at the painful reminder of him. Jacob got a sad look on his face "Sorry Asp, I forgot about that." He mutters. "Don't worry about it, I know it's hard for you too, he was like your brother." I said. "Yeah and you were like my annoying sister." He teased. I stuck out my tongue at him in response. "Maybe but you know you love me now" I said, winking a blue eye at him. He laughed but had a strange look on his face, but I brushed it off. We drove in a comfortable silence the rest of the way to the airport.

        Once i'm all ready I give him a great, big hug and we say our goodbyes. I walk through the sliding glass doors, and join the hustle and bustle of all the people. After I check my luggage I look at my watch "Oh noooo no no no no." I mutter, my flight leaves in 10 minutes, I can NOT be miss the plane!!! I dash through the airport, barley avoiding crashing into a  business woman carrying hot coffee. After taking two wrong turns and ending up in a food court, where I wish i could have stayed because all this has made me STARVING! I manage to get to the gate right before the employee shuts the thick metal door, he gives me a harsh glare but lets me through. I put my backpack in the overhead bin and collapse into my seat in exhaustion. I watch the perky safety video and as soon as the plane takes off I am fast asleep, dreaming about London.

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A couple hours later a young flight attendant gently taps my shoulder to wake me up "Miss we're landing you need to have your seat back and seat belt on please." she informed me. "Thanks." I said as I put my seatbelt on. When the plane lands with a jolt, I grab my backpack and exit the plane. I look around and admire all the tall buildings and soak up the rare, warm sun. I make my way over to the baggage claim and wait for my suitcases. When I spot them rolling down onto the black conveyer belt, I grab my black and blue suitcases as they roll by, wincing at the loud thud they make as I pull them off.

        I call a taxi as I walk out and wait by the road. A man next to me starts smoking and I start coughing and quickly move away, before it triggers my asthma. A classic, black London taxi pulls up and a middle age man rolled down the window "Aspen Miller?" He asked, "Yep that's me". "Ok what's your confirmation code miss?" I read the code off my phone "73928". He climbs out of the back taxi to help with my luggage. "Can I help you with your bags?" He offered. I nod and give him a friendly smile, that he returns as he takes my suitcases and puts it in the trunk, slamming the top shut. He opens the back door for me on the way to the driver's seat. I was looking out the window so intently that before I know it, he pulls up to a large building.

        I get out and he hands me my suitcase, I thank him and head up to the front door. I walk up the elderly receptionist looks up "Hello ma'am are you here for the therapy group?" Her crusty, old voice says, I nod and she takes my information to sign me in. She points down the hallway with her long, bony finger. "Third door on your left dear." She informs me. I thank her and I walk into the room, it has a couple of couches and chairs in a circular shape. I nearly tripped over my own feet when I see a girl drinking lemonade in the back of the room, sitting on one of the folding chairs. The thing about her that surprised me the most was that she looked just like him.

~ Elise Berry & Clara Ray

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