Chapter 9: Soul Sisters

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I hear quiet snickering in the background as i start to stir. "How cute!" Cassie says while having her phone out and taking hundreds of photos of me sleeping on Jacob. "What are you doing, i'm trying to sleep here." Jacob moaned, he's about as much of a morning person as I am, in other words, not at all. When Cassie starts making comments about how she should post the photo or show it at our wedding, I whip out my phone and show them the photo I took last night, of them sleeping together. When they see both of their faces turn an identical shade of red, "Whatever you do to the photo of us i'm going to do the same with yours" I threatened them. Cassie's face turned pale, "Well umm I already kinda-sorta posted it online..." Cassie said nervously. "YOU WHAT?!?!?" I shrieked. I lunge for her but Jacob, who woke up from all the screaming, wrapped his arms around me and pulls me back. "Let me go Jacob King or I swear I will-" "You'll do what Angel?" he asked.

"Umm ANGEL?" Cassie shrieked "Are you guys together, oh my gosh you will make the perfect couple! Can I be your maid-of-" Cassie's rambling was cut off by Oakland putting his hand over her mouth. "HMPH" Cassie sighed. "Are you done now?" Jacob asked with a small smile on his face. "vous sortez ensemble? hier soir, quand vous vous êtes endormi, vous étiez câlins et avant de partir, vous vous teniez la main" 'Are you guys dating? Last night when you fell asleep, you were cuddling. And before I left you were holding hands.' I asked in French. Cassie looked over to where Oakland and Jacob were chatting, "Umm peut-être, je ne sais pas vraiment, on traîne ensemble et on se tient la main et tout ça, mais aucun de nous n'a vraiment rien dit à ce sujet" 'Umm maybe I don't really know, we hang out together and hold hands and stuff but, neither of us has actually said anything about it' Cassie whispered back in French. "Et toi et Jacob? J'étais sérieux plus tôt, vous feriez tous les deux un grand couple." 'What about you and Jacob? I was serious earlier, you two would make a great couple'. I looked over at Jacob who was smiling at Oakland, "We aren't. I think I like him but I doubt he likes me." I replied, sorrowfully, "I think you would be surprised Asp, i've seen how he acts around you. I think he likes you to." She told me. I just shrug "I don't know, I don't want to risk losing him or making things awkward between us." I said.

We sit in silence as my mind starts to wonder I think about when Jacob dropped me off at the airport a week ago- "Yeah and you were like my annoying sister." He teased, and I stuck my tongue out at him in reply. "Maybe, but you know you love me now" I said, he laughed and had a strange look on his face but I brushed it off. - I gasp, sitting up straight, finally understanding the strange look on his face. I walk over to Jacob and wordlessly, I pull him into my room and shut the door. "Do you love me?" I asked, getting straight to the point. Jacob choked on air in shock at my sudden question "Umm y-yeah, your my best friend." He stuttered. " No I mean do you love me." I said and his cheeks turn bright red, "Ye-" he was saying when my phone rang, cutting him off. I look at it and see that it's my mom.



Yes Mom, what do you want

Emily has taken a turn for the worse, you should come to the hospital

Ok i'm on my way

I hung up and ran out of the room with Jacob right behind me as I grabbed my keys and my coat. "What happened angel?", "It's my sister, she's gotten worse. Can you drive me to the hospital?" I asked."Of course." he said, grabbing his own jacket and car keys. We dash to the car and get in and Jacob starts speeding to the hospital. He screeches to a halt in a parking spot and I jump out of the car and dashing into the quiet hospital, and down the hall to Emily's room.

I see her sitting up in bed looking just fine. I gape at her, "I thought something was wrong?". "Think again little sis." a voice said from behind me, I whirled around "Nathan" I yelled in happiness. "Is everything ok?" Cassie asked, I look at her, "When did you get here Cassie?"

"Cassie?" Nathan asked in shock

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