Chapter 7: Returning Home

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I wake up and look across the room and see Jacob sleeping on the couch with both of my suitcases sitting by the door. He seems exhausted, he must have been awake half the night. I get dressed as quietly as I can to make sure that he doesn't wake up. "AHH!" I yelled when I feel someone start tickling me, I turn around and hit Jacob's chest, "HEY, what was that for!" He exclaimed, rubbing his chest and pretending to be hurt. "That's what you get for sneaking up on me." I responded. He huffed, "Come on, let's go, our flight is at 11:30." he said, I look over at the clock, 9:00, perfect that will give us plenty of time to get to the airport on time. We each take a suitcase and wheel them out to the car and put them in the trunk.

1 hour later we are in the airport and have gone through security and we are now waiting to board the plane. "Group 2 may now start boarding" a woman's voice announced over the speakers. That's us, I grab my purple backpack and swing it over my shoulder. Once we get to our seats I put my backpack in the overhead bin and Jacob does the same. We sit in our seats and Jacob even let me have the window seat. After the plane takes off I put my head on Jacob's shoulder and he puts his head on top of mine, and pretty soon we have both fallen asleep.

I wake up about half way through the flight and I am starving. When the flight attendant walks by I waved him over and order coffee and 2 burgers, one for me and one for Jacob. After the man walked away I turn and look and Jacob, who is now awake "Oh I'm sorry did you want something?" I asked sweetly, teasing. Jacob gave me a playful glare "We both know your going to give me the second burger, you wouldn't want me to starve. I've got the keys to my car and I'm your ride" He shot back, with a smirk. "I could always get a taxi ya know." I said as the flight attendant came back with our food. "Thanks" I said politely, shooting him a quick smile before he walked away. I looked over at Jacob and his jaw and fists were clenched as he stared at where the man was, it almost looked like he was.... Jealous. "Aww is Jake jealous" I teased. I'm surprised when his blue eyes harden. He puts his mouth so close to my ear that I can feel his warm breath on my ear, "Maybe" he whispered, I move away, blushing deeply and slap his arm "Stop that! Jake!" I teased childishly. He laughed loudly and we both started eating our food. When my stomach is full I become very sleepy again and I rest my head against Jacob's chest and drift back off to sleep.

I wake up to someone shaking me, I peek open an eye and give him the death stare, for waking me up. He just laughs at the look on my face "Sorry Asp but we are almost here, you need to be awake.", "But Jacobbbbb" I whined. He rolled his eyes, "Aren't you excited to see your family again?" He asked. "You already know how I feel about my mother" I grumbled "Although I am happy to see Emily and Nathan" I said, my mood instantly improving at the thought of seeing my brother and sister. Jacob laughed when he saw my big smile, "You can visit my mom if you want, I don't mind" I told him. Something not many people know is that Jacob is actually an orphan, his mom died and his dad left when he was a baby, he met my brother when we were 8. After that the 2 of them became like brothers and my parents treated him like their own son, he spent so much time at our house that most people thought he lived there. When Andrew died Jacob was a big help to our family, Nathan couldn't do much because he was in college and he couldn't leave. He helped me cope and truly understood what I was going through. "Ummm hello Aspen, you in there??" Jacob asked, snapping his fingers in front of my face "You zoned out I've been trying to talk for the past 5 minutes". "Well congratulations Jake!! You figured it out!" I said, trying to contain my laughter as I slowly clapped. Jacob gave a playful scoff "Angel, i've been talking for the past 20 years, have you been ignoring me all this time" Jacob said, putting his hand on his chest and pretending to be insulted. I raise an eyebrow "Angel" I questioned his nickname for me. He shrugged "Sure, why not you call me Jake why can't I call you angel" He said giving me big cute puppy eyes. "UGH fine!" I said, not able to resist the pleading look on his face "But... every time you call me 'Angel' I can call you Jake" I bargained with him, a smirk forming on my face. "Attention passengers we have now landed, please gather your belongings and prepare to leave" A crackly voice said over the speakers.

We got off the plane and went to the baggage claim to get out luggage, before walking into the parking lot and finding Jacob's Jeep. "It was around here somewhere, I know it." Jacob muttered for the 5th time as we wandered around the parking lot. "Oh really?" I said as I point to the familiar green Jeep on the other side of the fairly empty parking lot. "Oh thanks Asp" Jacob said sheepishly. A few minutes later we are driving to my apartment to drop off my stuff before heading to the hospital Emily is staying at. We pull up to the familiar brick building and I grab my suitcases from the back and rushing the warm building and wait for the elevator. I unlocked my door and hurriedly shove my suitcases inside, my dogs, Scarlet and Adella were still at a friend's house. I run down the stairs, not bothering to wait for the elevator, and jump into the Jeep, slamming the door behind me.

10 minutes later we pull into a space at the hospital and as I walk up to the sliding doors I mentally prepare myself to see my mother for the first time since I was 18. With a sigh and a smile of encouragement from Jacob, I step into the hospital and gasp at who i see....

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