Chapter 10: A Complicated Past

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"How do you know Cassie?" I asked Nathan, in surprise. "You don't know do you?". "Don't know what?" I asked, confused at what Nathan was talking about. "You, Andrew, and Cassie knew each other as little kids. We all would visit her every summer until you guys were 5 when her dad died." Nathan told me and I started feeling dizzy and black spots started growing bigger, and bigger until the darkness engulfs me. "ASPEN!"

I wake up when I hear the beeping of monitors next to me. I peek open my eyes, and am momentarily blinded by the bright hospital lights. I notice that im in a hospital bed and a worried looking Jacob is in a chair next to me. "What happened" I croak out, my voice feeling scratchy, "You passed out when Nathan told you that you, Cassie, and Andrew knew each other as kids," he said and it all came rushing back. "I can't believe it." I whispered, "Next someones going to tell me we're sisters!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air, causing Jacob to laugh. "Well that Jacob said nervously "You, Cassie, and Andrew are triplets. Or were triplets, your twins now I guess" Jacob started rambliinig "What?! How is that possible?". Jacob scratched his neck "Well apparently your mom cheated on your dad with Cassie's dad. Your biological parents are your mom and Cassie's father." he explained and I look at him in shock. "But why does my mom not care about me?". "Well-umm- you know that Andrew was born first, and that he looks like your mom well you were born and you kept looking like Cassie's dad as you got older, so your mom was worried that your 'dad' would find out what she did." He explained and it all starts making sense "And Cassie's mom has always known which is why she was so mean to Cassie." He finished explaining. It all starts sinking in, I have a triplet-twin- I don't even know, sister." I said, feeling confused, "Can you go get Cassie? I need to talk to her." I asked.

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