Chapter 5: Quotes

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The sunlight filtering through my window wakes me up. I sit up in bed and stretch, and with a giant yawn I get up and get ready for therapy. I grab the peace of paper I wrote my quote on last night. I decided to run to therapy since it's such a nice day, I normally run everyday but since I came to London I haven't had a chance. I walk into the big room and sit on a couch next to Oakland and Cassie. "Hey," I whispered to them, as Aleshia walks in. "Good morning everyone, did you all get your quotes?" The whole room nods, "Who would like to share first?". I look at Oakland in shock when he raised his hand right away, he struck me as the shy type. "He yearned for water, but not ready to drown. It seems to represent that the person is not ready to take risks. I can relate to that because after what happened with my father, it's really hard for me to take risks". Aleshia gives him a smile "Very good Oakland, who next?" A girl raised her hand and gave a quote about going outside of her comfort zone. I raise my hand and go next, "We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin, I don't tell people about my brother because I don't want people to get to know me for me, not just the poor girl who lost her twin. I've gotten so used to no one knowing that it's hard for me to talk about it". Cassie stands up and goes next, "The most expensive thing in the world is trust it can take years to earn but seconds to lose. I trusted my mom when I was a kid and she betrayed me and left me to fend for myself." Cassie said. After every one went the class ended.

Cassie and Oakland walk to the front, leaving me behind. "Hey wait up !" I stamme . They don't turn around and keep walking. What do I see, they are holding hands...Racing up to them I feel left out and I see them grip hands tighter. "Go away Aspen !"Cassie shouts, giving me a death stare.I stop in my tracks as they get into their small, blue rental car. I feel tears start running down my cheeks, what did I do to make them so mad at me?! I pull out my phone to text Jacob

Hey Jacob...

What's wrong Asp? You don't normally call me Jacob.

Umm Cassie got really mad at me and yelled at me to go away😟😟

I'm sorry Asp, that's horrible!

I miss you Jake 😥

I miss you to Asp, but I'll see you soon 😉.

Don't worry, I'm sure you guys will work things out.

We will see, I will text her. I'll call you tonight.👋

++++++++++++++++I clicked on Cassie's contact and frantically text her++++++++++++++++++

Hey Cassie

Are you mad at me?

What did I do?!?!

Please talk to me.

I stared at my phone and wait for a response but it never came. I try calling her but it goes straight to voicemail. "UGH what did I do?!" I cried out into my empty hotel room. I buried my face in my pillow and cried myself asleep

"Aspen, wake up." A familiar voice said while gently shaking my shoulder. I groan "Go away Jake I'm tired." I whine, burying my head in the pillow. Wait... I shoot up in bed "JAKE!" I cried in happiness, throwing my arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug. "When did you get here?" I asked, "Well last night you seemed pretty upset so I decided to get on the next flight here so I could surprise you." He said with a big smile on his face. "Thanks Jake" I said, laughing at the look on his face. " Hey you should be grateful I don't call you Jackie" I teased and he just rolled his eyes. "So what do you want to do today,'' he asked, I shrug my shoulders "I don't have therapy until this evening so I'm free all day." I told him.

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