Chapter 3: Scar Sisters

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I open the door to my hotel room and collapsed on the bed with a sigh. I sit up and look around the room, there is a small kitchen, a bathroom, the bed and a TV with a sofa in front of it. I get off the bed and open up my suitcase to start unpacking everything and putting it in the closet. Once i've shoved as much as I possibly can into the small closet I go into the bathroom to get ready for bed. I slip under the covers and text Jacob

Hey Jacob

Hey Asp

How was therapy?

Good I guess, I met a girl who looks just like him


No Jake I just made it all up🙄 

Why do you have to call me Jake!                                                                                      

                                                                                                                                                                     Cause it's fun ;)


Anyway.... So what does she look like

*sends photo we took*

Wow your right she does, i've got to go Asp. Night

Goodnight.... JAKE

I laugh to myself as I turn off the bedside lamp and snuggle deeper into my bed as I drift off into dreamland.

"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP" my alarm clock blares, obnoxiously on the wooden bedside table. I peak my eyes open and am blinded by the bright light streaming through the windows. I groan and roll over, burying my face in the feather pillow. I hear my phone chime and I pick up my head long enough to see that its a text from Jacob. I groan and sit up to read the text

Wake up sleepyhead you don't want to be late 😉😊

I groan, Jacob knows how much I hate mornings and that if I could, I would sleep till noon. I swing my legs over the side of the large, queen sized bed. I wince as my bare feet touch the cold ground. I walked over to the kitchen and put on the coffee maker, before going to take a shower and get ready. I walk back into the kitchen, freshly dressed and clean I grab my cup of coffee and head down to the lobby to grab a quick breakfast.

When my hunger is finally satisfied I text Casie that i'm ready and wait outside, soaking up the warm sunshine. Before long I see a shiny, blue rental car and Cassie sticks her head out the window. "Hop in Aspen" she said, flashing me a bright smile. I do a double take when I see the shirt that she is wearing, it was orange, his favorite colour and made her look even more like him. I give her a smile back and she looks between me at the coffee cup in my hand, "Really? You do know that we are going to a café.... That's the place were practically the only thing they sell is coffee." she said sarcastically. I laugh at her teasing "I practically live on coffee i am soooo not a morning person." She laughs as she pulls out of the hotel parking lot.

After a few laughter filled moments we park in front of a cute little family own cafe. When we walk through the door a little bell jingles, causing the barista to look up. "Hi welcome, what can I get for you today?" she asked. I look to Cassie, letting her order first, once shes finished I ordered mine and we both get a couple muffins. We go sit at a small table by the window covered by lace curtains. I sipped my coffee as we quietly chat about our homes, "I have 2 adorable dogs, a 2 year old tan greyhound and a 4 year old black and copper dobermann. Both of them are girls and love to play." I said as I pull out my phone and show her a picture of the two of them. "Aww how adorable" Cassie coos, "I have a little corgi, Sia and a turtle Franklin". "Aww." I said as she showed me a couple pictures of them. I glanced at the clock behind her head and shoot out of my seat "Oh no! Group starts in 5 minutes." I said, before downing the last drops of my coffee.

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