Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Kinda Sisters

"So... we're sisters," I said, looking around the bleak, hospital room. "Yep." she said "You know when I first met you, I thought you looked just like Andrew." I said, pulling out my phone to show her a picture of Andrew before he died. "Wow, I really do," She said, amazed at the resemblance. "I think you and Andrew were identical and fraternal." I told her, "I didn't even think that was possible." She said, and I laughed, "Neither did I, I actually looked it up before you came here and it's apparently a real thing". Cassie started fidgeting with her orange turtleneck anxiously.

"Is there something wrong Cass?" I said, concerned."well I took a DNA test to see who my parents were and..." She replies "Well who is it" I asked, slightly impatient from my curiosity. "I found this picture" Cassie said, pulling something out of her purse and handing it to me. I sit up in bed and look down at the picture, it's a picture of my dad and a woman that looks like Cassie and Andrew so I assume she is Cassie's mom....although I suppose she is my biological mother as well. "Well I guess this explains a lot" I said, thinking about how my mom was always so cold and distant towards me and Andrew compared to Emily and Nathan. "I wonder if my older brother Nathan knows since he would've been around 5 when we were born" I said, thinking out loud. "Maybe but it's probably unlikely." Cassie replied. "So what was Andrew like" Cassie asked, nervously trailing off at the end. "Well-" I said thinking about him "He was great, he was like most other brothers and could be annoying and mean at times but he was also very protective and caring sometimes, he was very loyal to people he loved but if someone betrayed him or someone close to him he would never forgive them." I told her, feeling bitter-sweet from thinking about Andrew. "Umm if you don't mind me asking....what happened, how did he die?".

I think about taking the easy way out and not telling her but I remind myself that Andrew is her brother too and she deserves to know. "It was my fault... We had just turned 17 a few days ago and I had snuck out of the house, i had to call Andrew to pick me up and we were driving back when a drunk driver came out of nowhere and by the time we saw it was to late and we crashed...." tears started forming in my eyes "He had um put his arm across my shoulders to hold me against the seat so I didn't slam my head but he went flying forward and hit the glass or something and there was a lot of blood even though he wore a seat belt." I take a deep breath "Jacob was there too, he was in the backseat and only got a couple cuts and bruises, he's the one that called the ambulance and tried to stop the bleeding while we waited. I must've passed out because I woke up in a white hospital room and Jacob was sitting next to me, I don't think I can ever forget the look on his face, he looked so heartbroken and I could tell he had been crying before I woke up, he told me that Andrew had died, that the ambulance didn't get there in time and how glad he was that I was going to be ok." I cleared my throat " After that Jacob was the only one I talked to about the accident, he was the only one who didn't treat me with fake pity and understood what it was like, he and Andrew were like brothers." I finished telling her.

"Wow....that must've been really hard, I'm so sorry Asp." She said sincerely as she leaned in and gave me a tight hug. "C-C-Can't breath" I joked, pretending to gasp, causing her to pull back and laugh. 

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