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3 months later

"Five days......It's been five days, is there WiFi in there? I don't understand"

Mitchell watched Tess from the kitchen as she walked up and down in front of the counter with her phone held at her ear, he was trying to keep his laughter in as she ranted on to the doctor, one thing he definitely didn't need was for her to direct her irritation towards him

"Well isn't there SOME kind of medication to help this along?"

He felt sorry for her, he knew she was uncomfortable and he tried his best to make life around the house as easy going as possible, she was forced to stay away from the club for the time being and he could still see the actual fear on the doctor's face when he delivered that news

"Ok fine I'll tell him"

She threw the phone on the couch and groaned loudly, "I swear as soon as this baby pops out it's grounded"

Mitchell couldn't help himself as a small chuckle escaped him, he looked down to his feet literally feeling her scowl burning through him, he composed himself and took a sip of water then looked at her

"What did he say?"

She sighed, "We have to go in so he can talk to us about ways to help along the pregnancy and so he can check on the baby"

He nodded, "Ok I'll get the keys while you go change"

"Excuse me?"

He paused on his way to the key bowl his eyes wide as saucers, "What?"

"Is there something wrong with what I'm wearing?"

He looked at her outfit, a pair of leggings and an oversized sweatshirt and some fluffy boots

"Forget what I said"

"No no please say I look ugly and get it over  with"

"See now I didn't say that you're just looking for an argument"

"I'm so ready to punch the shit out of you"

"You know what I'm not arguing with you right now, you're hormones are making you unreasonable"

He walked out of the apartment down the stairs waiting patiently for Tess as she slowly followed him

"You know I wasn't done talking"

"Just get in the damn car Tess"

"Hey DON'T tell me what to do"

"Sorry already did", he said as she took her seat and closed the door before she could retort

The drive was spent in complete silence, the tension palpable as both tried to keep themselves from getting into another argument. After a short drive which felt more like an eternity they arrived at the doctor's office

"I'm sorry...."

Mitchell looked at Tess who was staring at her lap while tears rolled down her cheeks, he sighed, ".....It's ok"

"NO IT'S NOT", she exclaimed wiping her face with a frustrated groan, "....I'm so mean to you and I don't want to be but sometimes I just want to rip you're head off then a few seconds later I feel guilty"

He laughed, "That's normal.....the doctor said you're emotions would be all over the place at this point"

"Yeah well I hate it"

He took her hand and kissed the back of it softly, "....It's almost over"

"Easy for you to say", she ripped her hand out of his and stormed out of the car as fast as she could considering how uncomfortably large she was

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