reconnecting👭 part 2

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She approached him and smiled as he looked up from the table

"Hey how did it go?"

"Good....actually really good"

He frowned, "And?...."


"What happened? What did you talk about?"

"Nothing really......I invited her to dinner tonight"

He nodded, "That's good"

He eyed her a bit concerned as she just stared into the distance completely lost in thought.

She turned her head a bit and there was her little sister dancing on some sweaty guy's lap, tears burned in her eyes but she just looked away sharply and held it back

"Can we go please?"

He nodded and threw his arm around her shoulders, the crack in her voice told him how emotionally wrecked she was at the moment

"I'll reserve us a table at the hotel for tonight"

"Thank you"

They past the front desk and made their way to the car, Mitchell helped her in and made his way to the drivers side. He started the car and put his hand on her thigh while they drove away

"I just can't believe it's come to this.....I mean that could've been me had you not helped me.....what was I gonna do with my club anyway.....I was destined to be a fucking stripper"

"Tess I know you're upset but please don't talk like's unfortunate but she's lucky to have you now"

"Yeah after how many years of ignoring the fact that she exists, I'm the older one I should have shoved my pride up my ass and looked for her.....who knows how long she's been doing this WHO KNOWS what she's been doing in desperation for money"

"Baby can't turn back time and change any of that okay so stop blaming yourself and look to the future.....with me and Ana and a sister to reconcile with"

Tess wiped the frustrated tears from her cheeks and nodded, "I don't know what I'd do without you saved me from myself more than anything else"

"And you did the EXACT same for me.....look what you gave me"

He took her hand and kissed the back of it never taking his eyes off the road, "The future looks bright for us and now we will make sure it's bright for you're sister"

She nodded with a determination bubbling in her heart that they will once again be a family again filled with happiness and love

"Oh do you see what I see?"

She looked around and frowned in confusion when he stopped and pointed to a dress shop

"It's a shop....where you buy clothes", she mocked him by saying it slowly and softly as if he was stupid

He rolled his eyes and laughed, "I mean look at that dress displayed in the window"

"It's gorgeous"

"And it will look AMAZING on you"

"No Mitchell please stop buying me clothes"

"I'm gonna keep buying you everything you need because I want to and you deserve it, we're going to get married and it will be you're money too, we'll buy a new car, a new house in LA and we'll raise our daughter among our friends and family. In Sedona AND LA"


"Nope no arguing COME ON"

He jumped out of the car and practically dragged her out of the car with him, when they entered the shop Mitchell instantly knew exactly what he wanted

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