Feli playfully bites him

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School fucking hates me.
Too much for this week... Just too much. I'm so glad I'm done with all my exams so now I finally can write something down and do whatever I want. I wasn't posting cause of  school so I'm so sorry... I hope you will enjoy my next future stories, guys 💕💕...


- Feli was sitting on the couch, waiting for Ludwig to finish with his work. He was starting to get bored. He layed down and called for Ludwig with impatience:

"Luddyyy!... "

"I'm almost done, Feli. Hold on for a few more minutes, vill you?

- Feli pouted at him.

" But.. I've been waiting for you for an hour already!"

" Ja, ja.. I know. Just... Wait here."

- Feli just sighed and pouted again. All he wanted was to cuddle with him. Suddenly, he got an idea and smiled playfully. He got up and walked up to Ludwig, sitting on his lap.
Ludwig blushed lightly as Feliciano licked his lips. Then he leaned over a lil bit and bit Ludwig's ear lobe playfully, then licked the side of the ear.
Ludwig groaned.
It was his sweet spot, so he couldn't help it. He grabbed his ass slightly, but still confused a little. Feli left the ear and looked at his blushing boyfriend.

"You done now, Luddy? "

"Uh... Y-yes... Yes, I'm done."

"Vee~ can we finally cuddle now? "

"S-sure, Liebe... "

- But after what Feli caused, ((*cough, cough* boner)) Ludwig knew there won't be just cuddling this night 🖤.


If you guys want more scenarios, there will be more scenarios. I'm so happy I finally posted something 💕 Hope you enjoyed, fellas

Hetalia - Gerita Boyfriend ScenariosDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora