When jealousy goes a little bit over the edge

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I am a day late and I'm sorry for that. I just came from school and I'm not dissapointed even bit. It all turned out great. Can't wait till tomorrow for another day. But anyways, finally! A long requested scenario by rlbaker17. I'm sorry that I kept you waiting. I hope it turned out well cause I'm absolutely proud. And ofc happy that i tried out writing new thing. Warning⚠ Yandere. As my dear reader requested. Enjoy ❤🧡💛💚💙💜


- Every since they got together, every other annoying dude would try to hit on Feliciano. It was getting on Ludwig's nerves so much. Feliciano didn't like it either and would try to ignore those lame ass compliments. Ludwig would never admit it to Feliciano, but his jealousy was already seriously burning. There was that one guy called Lucas. And that guy did, oh just too much. Feli started to get extremely scared of him when he tried to persuade him to leave Ludwig for him, he was cat-calling him more often and often and Feli was especially scared when he almost forced him to sex one time. If there wasn't Ludwig Feliciano would be scarred for life. That's when Ludwig went mad and forious at the same time. He loved his Feliciano to the point he would kill for him.


That bastard went over the edge...
So did Ludwig.

He couldn't stand seeing Feli so depressive. Lucas had to be finished. Ludwig told Lucas the day before to meet him in some kind of deserted place where nobody was really around. He reached for the nightstand and took out a locked box in which he kept his old P38 walther, which he hadn't touched since WWII and his duties as a Nazi. Oh, how he hated those days. He really thought he would never need that gun again. Well, this evening... It was necessary. He shoved the gun in his coat pocket without thinking and went downstairs. He didn't expect to run into his beloved Feliciano so he jolted a bit.
"Ve, Luddy you're dressed are you going somewhere?"
"Ja, my boss called for some kind of meet up. He told me he had to tell me some important things about my... Current work progress. Don't worry it won't took long, I'll be home soon. You be here and stay safe, Schazi."

He said lovingly before kissing Feli's forehead and leaving. His car went on as he drove away.

'I'm sorry my love for what I'm about to do but it will be better that way' - He told himself.

Finally he arrived to the spot to finish what he came for. Lucas was leaning against the wall, smoking. When he saw Ludwig he smirked and threw his last cigarrete away. He greeted him, his smirk still on. But Ludwig only came closer, pulling the gun out and emotionlessly shot Lucas at the spot. Some drops of blood splashed onto his coat.

"That's for messing with my loved one for so long"

He got in the car and quickly drove back, leaving Lucas's lifeless body as it is. On his way back, Ludwig processed what in the hell actually happened just now and agressivly pulled the breaks. He got out and dropped on his knees, he screamed his lungs out as never before. That wasn't him. That wasn't him that just killed that guy. He promised himself not to ever do that again. But it happened. He cried hystericaly. How is he gonna tell Feliciano? What if he leaves him? Well he had no other choice than go home and tell the truth.
He got home and slowly entered, still crying. Feli was in the kitchen and cheered up when he heard Ludwig.
"Luddy! You sure were quick-" - He paused. Then panicked.
"Oh my dear God, Ludwig are you alright?! Oh Dio! "
- Ludwig sobbed and pulled Feli into a tight hug. He rested his head on his shoulder and cried even more.
"I'm so sorry, Feli. I'm so so so so very fucking sorry! I'm a fucking monster!"
"Ve, Ludwig why are you saying that? What happened?! Why's there blood on you! "
"I didn't go to see my boss Feli... I did something else... "
"...what? "

Ludwig told Feliciano everything. His face in his hands as he sobbed. Feliciano felt a tear left his eye at the sight of Ludwig. And because of the whole story. He gently pulled him closer to him, trying to calm him.
"Luddy... It's okey, Tesoro... You weren't yourself at that moment It's none of your fault... Please don't cry..."
"I killed a man, Feliciano... How will i ever forgive myself... "
"I know, Luddy but please... Calm down... Just breathe, I'm here with you"

A week has passed, Ludwig admited everything he did but luckily he got away thanks to Feli's help. But he will never forgive himself for that horrible reacting.
"Feli... "
"Yes Luddy? "
"...you won't.. Leave me right?"
"Oh, Ludwig. Of course I won't leave you. I'm always with you no matter what happens." - He carrased Ludwig's cheek in sign of comfort.
"Ti amo, mio amore. Ti amo no matter what. "

"Ich liebe dich, Engel... Thank you... Thank you so much for everything"


The end. Tbh I like this so much 😂 I'm proud of myself. This was really the whole story so hope you enjoyed and that my reader that requested this liked it as much 💕

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