Aftercare (after rough session)

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Like... You guys are not normal for actually these 😂😂😂 Well... I'm not normal for writing these either. But still thank you so much for the views!! ❤❤ Here a 1K scenario and this time a cute scenario so... Enjoy


"Feli.... " - Ludwig looked at his little italian who tried so hard to make himself sit and lay down normally. However, he felt... Guilty.

"Feli, you know you wanted that yourself... "

"I know, I know. Don't worry about me, amore... It doesn't hurt that bad."

- Feli said, still hopping on the bed. He sighed a little, gently rubbing his red and swollen butt. Ludwig was just looking at him sadly, knowing that it hurts and that he was rough as fuck. And then, Feli let out a whimper.

"Who am I kidding. It hurts, Luddy! Look at how swollen it is... I can't even lay down. I need a hug, Luddy!! "

- Tears started to form in little one's eyes. Ludwig's heart almost dropped when he saw that. He instantly pulled Feli into a tight and warm hug. He apologized to Feliciano in every way possible, even tho Feli was saying it wasn't his fault. Ludwig gave Feli the sweetest kiss ever and stroked his cheek. In return he got a beautiful, warm smile.

"You're so beautiful, my sweet little Italien."

"Awww, Luddyy ~ I think I'll stop with craving rough sex for a while cause.... My booty really needs a rest."

"Ja, knowing you, that's definitely gonna happend." - Said Ludwig sarcastically, rolling his eyes at him.

- He kissed his forehead once more before getting up and looking back at him.

"I'll run a bath for both of us and then come back for you since you're unable to walk. Alright, Liebe?"

"Vee ~ grazie, Luddy. Ti amo~"

"Ich liebe dich auch, Feli. Ich liebe dich auch ❤❤. "


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