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OH MY GOD, HELLO- I really was off of wattpad for a bit, I was watching the views go up. Long story short. So, here in Croatia It's less than 2 days till monday. And what's on monday? My first fucking day of high school! I'm having panic attack every morning, not even important don't ask- I don't have any damn informations exepct for the time i have to be in school...I'm furious. That's why i was off for a while. Anyways, here's promised scenario 💕💕


When it comes to nicknames, we all know Feli is the one that gives his partner tones of nicknames. Most common nickname is of course Luddy, to which Ludwig is already completely used to. There are also some sweet and cute nicknames Feliciano calls Ludwig such as Mio amore (my love), Sole (sun/sunshine, this one makes Ludwig feel warm though he wouldn't admit it), Mio caro (my dear)... But out of all of them, Ludwig's favourite nickname ever would be Tesoro which means treasure in italian. It makes Ludwig's heart warm up with joy and love. Feli started calling him that even more often when he saw how red Ludwig would become just from a nickname and Ludwig would often be extra carring and gentle to him when he called him Tesoro.

Meanwhile, Ludwig's nicknames for Feliciano are very basic yet sweet because big blonde baby has hard time expressing his feelings. He calls him Feli 90% of time. When he's feeling romantic or is in a good mood It's either Liebe/Liebling (Love), Schazi/Schätzchen (Dear/Sweetheart), babyboy... When he's in "that kind of mood" It's Kätzchen (Kitten) and also babyboy cause he is the DADDY-- And both of em nicknames send chills down Feliciano's spine, lustful chills.

Anyways, Feli's favourite nickname is Engel (Angel), definitely the sweetest one. He always lits up with joy when Ludwig calls him that, even though It's rare. That's why he always reacts with cutest expressions full of love.

Needless to say, they really do love eachother endlessly. Nicknames are just small things that make their love even sweeter than it already is.


Finally. Tomorrow comes another longer one. I really need to relieve stress with something and that's writing scenarios. It will be another cute one for a change. Welp, hope you liked this one, fellas 💕✨

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