...Unless Your Tutor is Ryan Ross

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(This picture seemed appropriate for this chapter, since they're studying and all. Do you guys like it? I found it randomly on Google Images and it's so cute.) 

Anyway, it's that time again! 

What time, you ask? 

It's time for another chapter of Crazy + Genius! 

Okay, enjoy! 

I took a deep breath as I stood in front of our front door, my hand poised over the handle as if to open it. Relax, Bren, I told myself. It's just your tutor! You can do this. 

Boy, was I  in for a surprise. 

When I opened that door, my heart stopped and my throat instantly closed up. 

Why is that, Bren? you ask. It's just a tutor. Probably Dallon or something. What's the stress for? 

Well, in front of me, science books, a pencil case, and a binder in hand, was none other than my longtime crush, Ryan Ross.

Um, excuse me, but what? 

I didn't sign up for this shit! 

Why didn't Mr. Knight bother to tell me that my tutor was RYAN FUCKING ROSS?! 

That's it, I'm done for, I thought. I am going to faint, or collapse, or puke. Either way, I'm screwed. I'm gonna die in here. 

"Hey." he said, scratching the back of his head. "It's nice to see you again, Brendon."

In reply, I managed to squeak out a "Hi". 

I know, I know. Real smooth, B. Trust me, you don't have to tell me twice. 

"So Mr. Knight said that you needed some tutoring, and I need a bit of extra credit, so... I'm tutoring you." Ryan said, now sounding a little nervous. 

Was I making him nervous? No, that couldn't possibly be it. 

He was probably just feeling a little bit awkward because I wasn't speaking. Yeah, that was it. 

I tried to say something, anything, but my vocal chords just refused to work. 

Agh, I fucking hated my life and my nerves. 

When I finally managed to say something, it came out....not exactly the way I wanted it to. 

I wanted to sound cool and confident in myself. Instead, I got this bullshit. 

"O-oh?" I said, with that fucking stutter again. "T-that's cool, R-ryan." 

Wow. Real smooth, dumbass, I thought to myself. What's next, you gonna ask him if he wants to fuck with that stutter? 

"Can I come in?" Ryan asked, smiling shyly at me, his cheeks pink with the cold from the brisk wind outside. 

Or, at least, that's what I thought his cheeks were pink from. 

Turns out I was wrong. 

But I'm not going to realize that just yet. I find that out, but only later in the story. 

"S-sure." I said, cursing myself internally for sounding so fucking nervous. Which I was, but that didn't mean that I wanted it obvious. 

But, like it or not, I was. I'm a pussy, remember? 

As I stepped aside to let him in, I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. 

I excused myself, stepped out into the bathroom, (and by stepped I mean ran), pulled it out, and saw that it was a text from Phil. 

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