A Date? Sounds...Educational

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(This is what they're wearing in the chapter because THESE BOYS ARE FINE AS FUCK)

(Also very silly. I mean look at Bren and his huge AF duck lips, lols) 

Hey guys! *says in British accent whilst doing a Phil Lester wave* Welcome back to my shitty fanfic that y'all seem to really enjoy! 

I hope y'all are excited! 

Let's begin the intro-

*beeping and static noises* 

*announcer walks in*

Ladies and gentlemen, 

Due to circumstances beyond our control,

We are unable to continue our broadcast of Crazy + Genius. 

We shall continue now with a piano instrumental...and maybe an ad or two. 

*Intermission starts playing*

(I know this sounds thirsty as fuck but I don't care) 


Yeah, I interrupted the gay shit. I'm sorry, really, I am. 

But anyway, I was wondering...

Could we get some more reads on my second fic, The Quest for Walt Disney? 

Don't get me wrong, all the support on this book is absolutely fabulous, wonderful, special, and amazing. 

Plus, we hit 500 reads, like, last week, so thank you so fuckin much for that. 

But I also work my ass off on that fic, so it would be great if y'all would give it a chance. 

Plus, it features Frerard, Ryden, Brallon (because Ryan, Brendon, and Dallon are in a relationship), Bryllon, Phan,  a little Peterick, and a little Rikey. Plus it has Ray as a fairy godmother and an aromantic/asexual Billie. 

(Like, Billie is just so iconic in all fics, tbh)

I mean, how could you ask for more?

Okay, let me make up for that plug by plugging someone else's work! 

My friend IridescentEmoWhovian has a book called 'Lipstick Boy' that is gay as fuck, so please, please, PLEASE read it because she's an amazing writer and I love her to death and she's super supportive. 

Alright, now back to the regular intro. 

Ladies and gentlemen, 

We proudly present...

A picturesque score of passing fantasy.


What time, you ask? 

It's time for another chapter of Crazy + Genius! 

Okay, my loves. Enjoy! 

I did end up spending the night at Gerard's, mostly because I smelt like Capri Suns and I couldn't go home like that. My ma would beat my ass. 

Thankfully, she was at work once we had swung by my house to grab my school stuff, so I didn't have to deal with any questions and/or punishments. 

We still Febrezed the house, and me, just to be safe. 

I ended up heading to school in one of Gerard's straighter outfits, mostly because I couldn't handle some of the others. 

Crazy + Genius (Ryden)Where stories live. Discover now