Chapter-1 (The fear)

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The sun blazed it's way through the glass window, finally reaching her cherubic face. The fire ball was high enough in the sky to burn her eyes but yet, she kept staring it back, still lying in her bed and not even moving an inch. Who cares losing their eyes when they will soon loose their life. Endless number of thoughts bounced in her head.

"Mina, don't ever try to skip your lunch as you did for breakfast. Come down fast," her mom yelled from the kitchen. The rumbling sounds made by the vessels in the kitchen by her mother can be clearly heard in her room and she knows it's best to go down as soon as possible. She knew her mother would kill her if she skips her food, but she just couldn't get back to her proper mind, thousands of things listing in her thoughts.

"Coming," she immediately replied, not wanting her mother to climb up and smack her down. Though her mother may seem scary, she is the best mother that anyone could count on. She really cares for her daughter that she cannot tolerate anything bad happening to her. She wants her daughter to be healthy and safe as every mother would think, but she shows it in a little violent manner but definitely not hurting her.


She took her eatables in a tray and walked to the living room, carefully placing it on the tea-table and jumped into the couch before grabbing the TV remote. She kept changing the usual boring channels and stuffing her food into her small mouth, that would burst if she pushed any harder. She enjoyed the essence in her food that lingered in her taste buds, mentally praising her mom for the divine treat. But all that lasted only until something caught her eye. Her eyes wide opened in horror, almost choking her food in her food-pipe.

 'Are Baekhyun and Taeyeon Dating? This is the hot issue that is swirling around KPop world. On this issue, still SM Entertainment has to give their official statement but haven't given. Thousands of fans has arrived in front of the building with lot of opposing flags and slogans. Now lets hear what fans are thinking...........

'This is a pure lie...'

'It's something we should never believe. Please don't make-up the impossibilities'

'Did we mistake their collaborations with dating?'

'We will never support this. This should be forbidden'

'It's just a-''

 She switched off the TV and ran to her bedroom stumbling her way, not wishing to watch anymore scene in that electronic box.

She threw herself in bed and covered her body with the blanket in an abnormal way. This was the thing that she wanted her mind to distract but it somehow began to grow more. She closed her eyes tightly, her heartbeat slowly rising in nervous and began to bite her nails. Her silent room made her to listen her own running heartbeat but suddenly got startled when her mobile rang. Her heart almost stopped it's function and mentally cursed herself for having a horror themed ringtone. She took a long breath and sneaked her hand out of the blanket and grabbed her mobile swiftly.

She almost died seeing an unknown number displaying on the screen, specially panicking her in her current situation. She didn't attend the call that still kept ringing continuously, thinking that it maybe some fans that found even about her. She herself wasn't sure whether fans have found her relation or not but everything creeped her in current Baekhyun and Taeyeon's matter. She took a deep breath before attending call. She didn't answer until she heard the other line speak, so it can be easy for her to identify who it is.

"Jagiya?" It was a familiar voice. A voice that made her heart melt. A voice that she fell for. A voice that she longed to hear. A voice that could light her dark life. A voice that only a certain special person own.


"Yes, Jagi, it's me". She didn't know when her tears had spilled and began to breathe normally. She was that much happy that her own voice choked her where she silently cried in happiness. She wanted to jump and bounce around the room when she heard his voice, but she didn't as the voice continued, "Actually my mobile is with Manager hyung along with the members mobile. I requested one of the staffs here to make an urgent call. Are you alright?"

She wiped her flowing tears and pretended to be normal. "Y-Ya, I'm fine. So how is the situation there? Is it very bad?" she asked him, still aware of the answer that would come from him.

"I think yes, but the company will manage it. There is some discussion going between the CEO and Baekhyun hyung. Well, I'm not allowed to talk for a long time.We will meet at our usual place. Is it ok for you?"

"Ya, sure. I'll be there" she answered him and hung the call. Speaking with him for not more than a minute hurted her, but still she could understand his situation and let it go. She wants him to be happy as he wish it for her.

She laid in her bed and massaged her temples, taking a deep breath before closing her eyes. She didn't know when did they both confessed their feelings, but she knew they both were right. Being in a relationship with the Nation's Darling for more than half a year without being found out by his fans was something she could go bonkers about, but in order to stay alive, she should brace herself in an innocent seat. But now, she is unsure of her life just by seeing the Hot Issue that is going around, wondering if even a celebrity could gain curses for their personal matters from their fans, then how hell her life could become? Just by thinking all these stuffs she forgot when she had hugged her peach pillow and dived into her beauty slumber.


After some few hours, her eyes could no longer close in a peaceful sleep. Her surroundings were pitch dark and she tried to engross in the present time. She choked her own breath when she noticed her clock showing it was past twelve in the mid-night. Her mobile kept notifying her something telling her to read the received message.

'Jagiya, let's meet in our usual place at 2 in the early morning. Sorry for disturbing you at that time but it's the only safe time that I'm allowed to roam out. Again sorry for the inconvenience.

I LOVE YOU <3 <3 <3'

She smiled at his message and thanked god she was able to wake a little early to meet him. But now, she was only afraid of her mother's reaction to her daughter's skipping her dinner. But she already began to plan a lie to tell her tomorrow morning.

She then grabbed her jacket and slowly dragged herself out, trying not to get caught by her mom. Her body shivered at the sudden touch of cold breeze against her skin, then warping her body in her jacket to save her skin from the pricking cold.

On her way, her eyes automatically landed upon an old abundant street. Not many houses were there but one huge villa occupied three-fourth of the street. The broken windows with shattered glass, door-less entrance that welcomed to the invisible dark path, sleepless garden that rustled the dead leaves into mini tornado, sharp saber like fence guarding the villa and fog pouring environment - similar to horror themed area and just looking at them made chills run down her spine, is where she saw a figure. That figure had his back turned to her. Only a few feet separated them and to satisfy her curiosity, she slowly walked towards that figure to know their identity.



End of chapter one......

Hope It's fine as this is my first story after my one-shots.

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Love you all and have a great day <3

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