Chapter-10 (Face to Face)

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Sehun was more shocked than Mina to see the person who pulled her.

"Kim.....?" she said widening her eyes.

Kim shifted his gaze from her to Sehun. "Aren't you going to the shooting? What are you doing here?"

"There's nothing wrong to be with MY GIRLFRIEND" he boldly said emphasizing those words.

Kim was flustered with Sehun's attitude. "Just go to your work Sehun" he told and pulled her forcefully somewhere out.

Sehun never expected this side of Kim. Sehun just followed their way excusing from his work for a while.

Kim held her wrist so tightly that she couldn't escape from him.

"Leave me Kim" she finally yelled and pulled away from his grip. They both were in rooftop now.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked in a confused low tone.

"You don't know? Or are you just pretending?" he too asked confusingly.

No words were spoken by both making silence to fill the atmosphere. Both held an eye-contact after many years that made her to remember the past again.

"What do you want?" she said softly, holding back her tears.



"You. I said you. I want you" he said sternly.

Those lines made her heartbeat fast but had no meaning. Though he was her first love, she couldn't feel it anymore. Kim is long gone in her life. Now her one and only love is Sehun and no one.

"I'm sorry Kim. You can't have me" she said in a sorry tone.

His face went black. "W....Why?" he asked, though he knows why.

She took a deep breath before saying. "I love Sehun"

"But I love you more than he do" Kim argued.

"I'm sorry but let's stop this. Forget me" she said and turned back to leave. She began to walk away leaving him behind but was soon pulled back and she felt something warm around her. She then realized she was in the arms of Kim.

"Don't leave me, please" he said hugging her tightly. She tried pushing him away but he was too strong.

"Leave her" a voice distracted the both that made Kim to loose his hug. Mina grabbed this chance and moved away from him and saw the owner of the voice. It was Sehun.

"Don't dare to touch her" Sehun said furiously.

"Don't interfere in my matter" Kim warned.

"As if I want to. Mina is my girlfriend and you dare to hug her?"

"You mind your business. It's her who I'm talking to and you better back off"

Kim's useless conversation made Sehun rise in anger. He ran and grabbed Kim's collar. "That should be me telling you"

Kim was no lesser than Sehun and he too grabbed his collar. They both sent deadly glare to each other.

"Stop you both" Mina shouted but still they wouldn't.

"It's enough" she said pushing both of them really hard. Both landed on their back and it was so forceful. Sehun growled in pain and tried getting up. She helped Sehun to get up and turned to Kim for helping. But she couldn't believe what she saw. She stood frozen and tears welled her eyes leaving her speechless.

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