Chapter-4 (The beginning)

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"Jagiya, don't be stubborn. Let me drop you home," Sehun kept begging her for almost nth time but she kept denying his offer at any cost.

It was almost midnight that she had realized it's too late to be in the company with the members who at times were secretly being watched by their all-time fans. She didn't realize that partying would take this long to complete and mentally slapped herself for not keeping a track of time. Being a good boyfriend, Sehun wanted to make her feel secure by offering a ride to her home but was constantly turned down by her.

"I'm saying I would be fine, Sehun-ah. Don't make yourself a prey for your saesang fans. Don't worry, I'll call you when I get home," she assured him with a smile, caressing his cheeks and before turning around to leave.

He patiently waited for her until her car was completely disappeared in her way. A sigh escaped his lips as he too turned around to go back to his company and begin his practise that was forgotten by the group for a whole day.

She really wanted him to accompany her home. In fact, she's a chicken when it comes to dark or late night but she didn't want to give him an extra useless trouble that would pile up his stress more, already abundant with their hard training. When she was almost close to her street, she felt something uneasy as she drove to her house. Her senses warned someone spying her. So, she slowly descended her car speed, eyeing whether somebody's tailing her behind through the rear view mirror; but found none. She scanned the whole area for some seconds without stopping the car. It was so silent and only the flickering sounds of the street light could be heard like it could turn off at any moment. She shook your head and drove fast to her house.


'Sorry dear. Work caught me again. I'll be back in two days. Take care' – as usual, a note was stuck in the refrigerator by her mom.

'Again?'  She let out a big sigh and threw it down after crumpling.

She knew her mom has to work double the time she had worked before to repay the debts that still had to be cleared. Her father is in coma after an accident that he unfortunately met three months ago. Not to be wrong, even she began doing part-time jobs to help her family and pay the debts as soon as possible.

She felt a dry throat after experiencing a very mini nightmare on her way home that made her look worn out. By the time she opened the fridge, the power cut counter-attacked her, giving a very mini heart attack.

'Excellent!'  She remarked, and grabbed a bottle from the fridge believing it would be water that she expected. A frown crawled her forehead as she stuck her tongue out in bitterness. 'Yuck! Why should this vinegar be in front?'  She mumbled and grabbed another bottle. Taking a sip hesitantly, she thanked the heavens for saving her mouth to go numb from the earlier pungent taste that dared to choke her to death.

Taking the water bottle with her, she began to explore her now-dark-house in search of torchlight. She was so immersed in her search that she didn't notice someone standing near the front door. Accidently turning to her left was the time she noticed that someone other than her was there with her and that made her alarm. Her heart stopped suddenly when she realized that that someone was actually standing inside her house.

She couldn't see who it is in the dark but she felt that persons' body walking towards her and she guessed that the person to be a male because his shoe heel sound was clear in the silent surrounding.

Mustering up her lacking courage and with the pounding heart, she began, "Wh...Who are you?"  Though trying to act brave, her voice mirrored how frightened she was.

No reply from him.

She began to walk backwards when she noticed him still walking towards her. "Tell me who are you," she shouted and began to run upstairs as he was getting close to her. For now, she only wanted to be in her bedroom until morning, the safest place she could think of.

Thanks to his long limbs that he was able to run fast enough and catch her before she could execute her plan. He trapped her in between his hands and pinned her to the wall, just next to the window.

Tears escaped her eyes and her heart raced fast when she felt his face coming closer to hers. "Who the hell are you?"  She managed to ask him, even though it was just a whisper.

"Stay away," he bluntly said, confusing her already confused mind.

She couldn't see his face but the moonlight that gleamed through the window and fell on his face, revealed only his forehead and his eyes as a hint. She stared into his eyes momentarily, stopping her struggle to get her body out from his trap, she felt like she has seen the features somewhere before. He looked quite familiar.

"I said stay away from Sehun," he shouted, flinching her from her daze to reality.

"Tell me you are you," she boldly demanded, her fear now long gone. But now, she resumed her struggling mode.

He held her wrist more tightly and came closer to her face, very few inches saving their distance. "You don't deserve him. Leave him," he said, or more like ordering, kept staring into her eyes.

She pushed him but he was strong enough to resist it. Regularly working out bodies are no joke. She was very much afraid now. Her insides began to wobble as he still hadn't released his gaze with her. She felt like she could jump off from the cliff than to deal with this unknown idiotic person (or even known idiotic person).

"It's not a warning but an order. You can't stay with him. Don't begin the game, Mina," he released his grip but still stared into her eyes mysteriously, making her heart beat fast without an obvious reason. He turned back and made his way out with heavy steps, similar to her thumping heart.

She pushed herself down at the spot, finally her legs giving in, and held her heart while letting her tears drip down as its wish. 'Who is he? What's going on? What should I do? Do I know him?'  She tossed thousand questions inside her head, unable to find the relevant one.

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