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I made this video for the last chapter because I have to set up my my FIRST Sonic book based on the new movie.

Your POV

Pennywise and I eventually got along great. My aunt was taken to see a therapist and she's been doing fine and I spent my days dating a serial killer clown that I learned about.

"Red caliber." I answered.

"What?" He asked.

I giggled, "Nothing. I'm almost done in high school and planned on becoming a artist."

"Hm, what school are you going?" He asked.

"I may be going to a university at California." I replied.

"Oh..." He said in a sad tone.

"Hey I'll come back during my breaks and when I'm done I'll move back here."

"How many years will you be gone?"

"I'll say...2 or 4 years. I prefer 2 years." I said as he place his chin on top of my head.

"I'm gonna miss your bubblegum smell. You smell like sweet cotton candy." He mumbled.

I chuckle, "And you smell like sweet cinnamon and apple. "

"Your too kind." He said.

"Your to sweet my handsome clown."

The End

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