Chapter 1 "Seriously? A book?!"

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Kira's POV

New country, a new beginning and that also means tons of new ideas! 

I need to find my apartment first, settle my things, then grab some food and maybe after that a little bit of sleep.

"Hi, Good afternoon madame are you by any chance the landlord of this space?" I asked while looking at the house number.

"Oh Deary, are you Kira?" answered by an old and might I say very classy lady. Damn, how I wish I aged like her...

"Yes, the one and only, nice to meet you Ms. Abott!" I say cheerfully trying to shake her hand but I was shocked when she hugged me.

"You're a cheery young lady, c'mon let's get you settled," she says while dragging me inside my new home. Ms. Abott toured me, lo and behold, she almost talked about her whole life. She's very sweet and just tryin' to make me comfortable and safe since I'm new to this foreign country. After an hour touring or should I say talking she head off home.

"Okay, I have a bedroom with a cushion that'll do, a small living room and kitchen which can I say is gorgeous! I just need to maybe put a little decoration and this will be my safe place" I pull my suitcase onto my bedroom and dig through it to find my sheets,

"A little sleep won't harm, right?"

"Where did lil Jane hide? hmm.. I wonder, is she behind the curtain?" I watched as he tries to find me around the house, I was hiding under my bed when he fell down to the floor, blood on his head with a horrifying stare,

"Kira... he-Help.." and tried to grab me under the bed..

"Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!" I woke up screaming, heavily breathing and crying. "No, no, not again... please.." 

I was tryin' to calm myself down when I heard that someone opened the back door, "Shit! I forgot to lock it!" I grabbed the nearest object and went off to the kitchen. I was scared and shocked to see a tall figure in my kitchen and immediately throw the object in my hand.

"Ow! Aw!"


Andrew's POV

"Try to rest for a month before coming back to the studio will ya? I'll forbid your presence there for a while!" Alex says after dropping me off in front of my house.

"Off you go Alex, you're too loud and there's someone you don't want to wait for long," He waved and head off, I dragged my suitcase to my porch when I heard a piercing scream and immediately set foot to the house next door.

"Hello? Is everything okay in there?" I called while banging the door but still no one answers, "Hello? I just want to make sure you're okay," I went to the back door and it was unlocked. I was trying to find my path when something hard hit the back of my head.

"Ow! Aw!" that fuckin' hurt! I was blinded by the light when a soft yet angry voice spoke.

"I said who are you? What are you doing at my house?" she asks while holding a book?

"I'm your neighbor and I happened to hear a scream I thought something bad was happening" I answered while massaging the back of my head.

"I a-am.. sorry, Did it hurt?" She asked and rushed beside me, "Uhm.. can you? nevermind" I watched as she drags a chair and stands on it to check my head. 


Kira noticed that the Lanky man was looking at her,

"What?" She asked while also looking at the man, "Your quite tall a-and I'm only 5'4, do you expect me to float?" She says sarcastically and heads on examining his head.

"Are you okay? You look like you summoned hell" he says holding her hand and looking at her face. She immediately takes off his hand and gets down the chair.

"Yeah, absolutely fine... It's just a bad dream" she says hugging the book.

"I'm sorry for intruding your house, I must go now," Andrew says, he was already on his porch opening the door when-

"Hey, thank you and sorry for sassing on you," She says while looking at the ground.

"Don't forget to lock all your doors and next time grab something much useful than your book." 

"I was caught in the moment a-an-and I don't have anything around, I can't just snap my fingers and voila', I'll just go, I embarrassed myself enough," she says while walking towards her house.

Kira's POV

"Seriously? A book?!" Kira! You embarrassed yourself to a cute lanky man!

Chapter 1-Done!


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