Chapter 13 "I didn't mean to..."

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Kira's POV

I was at the market looking for some produce that I can take home when I bumped into Paul,

"Kira, H-hi," He greeted me shyly, "Ca-can we talk?" He asked not looking at my eyes,

"And why would I talk to you Paul, you've said enough," I firmly stated, backing away a bit from him,

"About that, just please let me explain, we can talk to that park just to assure you that I don't have any intention to harm you," He explained, eyes full of regrets,

"No monkey business i-if you do anything or touch me, I swear Paul," I stated embracing myself.

We went to the park and take a sit in one of the benches,

"Now, talk." I said,

"A-about how I acted with you, i-it's not me," He said, "You have a twin?" I utter absentmindedly,

"No, not like that," He replied, I feel dumb right now,"What then?" I asked again, I'm actually surprised at how he acts with me right now as if he's not the Paul I met at the grocery back then. He's a whole 'nother person,

"I-I'm schizophrenic, I didn't mean to do or say all of that to you, they are voices in my mind that messes up with me, I can't control myself at times but I managed when I'm in medication which is why I can talk to you right now," He says looking at me, tears already falling in his eyes,

"I-I don't know what to say,"  I mutter, shocked about his confession,

"I really want to apologize Kira, I'm so sorry, I'm not really a bad person, It's just the voices I-I badly want to get rid of them, I'm trying," He's just looking at his hands, tears streaming down his face, I don't really know how to comfort him since I don't like being close with guys, well except Andrew,

"I-I understand Paul but I can't fully forgive you yet, you've open the wounds that I tended for years to heal. I just want you to know that you'll be forgiven in time," and I give him my genuine smile,

"I need to go home now," I said,

"Can I at least accompany you walking home?" He asked and bring my bags of produce,

I hesitated at first but when I see his hopeful eyes and felt like if this would make him feel better then why not?

"Okay Paul," I answered and we start walking home in silence,

When we were in front of my house,

"Thank you for walking with me Paul," I thanked him and gets my bags,

"It's the least thing I can do for everything I've done," He says,

"Oh Paul, I told you I'm fine, we're even now since you brought me home complete," I utter trying to lighten the mood, then he hugged me and before my anxiety kicks I slightly pushed him off of me,

"Thank you Kira, you don't know how much that means to me," 


Andrew's POV

"Hey, you want to grab some Gat?" Alex asked me when we exited the studio,

"Maybe next time eh... I really need to go home," I replied fixing my beanie and scarf,

"Ooohhh... I think our schmad lad was finally hit by cupid's bow, are we gonna sing sweet love songs on the next record?" Alex chuckles and nudges me,

"Alex my dear friend, you know you don't want to mess with me," and he just raised both his hands,

"Are we expecting a new member of the tour team?"

"It's something yet to be seen Alex," I replied and hop on the truck to drive home,

I was shocked when I passed through Kira's house, A guy was hugging her... It took a while before I got her trust to hug her. When I get off the truck I learned that the guy was Paul,

"Hey Andrew," He greeted and I just nod at him, Kira was shocked when she noticed that I'm looking at them then Paul went off,

"Hey, Andrew!" Kira called from her porch, "Yeah?"

"I'm cooking some steak, It'll be wine night do you want to join?" she asked smiling at me,

"Ehm... maybe next time, I'll be going out with Alex and Rory," I replied and went inside the house,

Jealous, betrayed, and hurt are the words that describe how I feel right now, was I not enough? Did I throw my heart again under the bus?


"He never rejects dinner and no one turns down the steak, weird..." Kira says as she entered her house, oblivious of the other's misery.


Chapter 13-Done!


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