Chapter 4 "Maybe a pint of Gat?"

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Kira's POV

I just finished my morning jog when I saw Andrew and Elton playing on their yard, 

"Good morning Kira," he greeted while running away from Elton but when the precious dog sees me, 

"Oh boy, Elton slow dowwwwnnn!" and I fall down to the ground with this big dog, then there's Andrew at my side looking, 

"I think I just broke my spine, he's quite strong," I said sitting up while the culprit runs away from me,

"Sorry for that but I think he likes you, here let me help you" he offered his hand and helped me stand, "Thank you," I said while waving my hands to call Elton,

"So how's your night?" He asked, 

"Well, quite good, not much of sleep but I can get by" I answered, 

"You actually look good with your hair down like that" I complimented him, What? It's true he looks good! 

"Ehm... Thank you so much, would you like to have some breakfast at my humble abode?" he asked scratching his head, Is he not hurt? that's some hard scratching...

"Is that your way of asking me out?" I asked teasingly, my level of confidence! Wow, Kira!

"Sorry, I just-" he answered trying to come up for some explanations, 

"Chill Andrew, I'm just joking... But I would love to have some breakfast, I'm quite famished" I answered him and laughed when he breathe calmly,

"Elton, let's go! let's prepare some food for our guest" he said leading us to his house,


Andrew's POV

When we get inside Kira kept looking at the kitchen,

"Is everything for tall people in this house?" She asked me with her eyes full of curiosity,

"Do you know that curiosity killed the cat?" I answered leaning across the counter, and she distant herself,

"And I'm not a cat, I-I just have this habit of saying everything that comes out of my mind" She answered sheepishly and that makes me smile, come to think of it she's very frank but immediately loses her confidence in just one snap,

"So what's for breakfast?" she asked looking happily at me,

"Ehm... I can prepare toasted bread with eh.. egg and bacon?" I answered and her eyes lit up,

"I would love that!" She says clapping her hand, "Do you need help?" She asked standing from her seat,

"You can eh... feed Elton," I answered getting Elton's food,

"Okie dokie!" She hurriedly gets the dog plate from me, "Elton!!!" She yelled for Elton and starts searching the house.

"Maybe the house can get used to that yell," I thought out loud and starts preparing our breakfast.


"Kira! breakfast is ready!" Andrew yelled but no one answers, he exited the kitchen and starts looking for Kira.

"How?! No, this can't be happening-" Andrew heard Kira whispered-yelling at the back yard.

"Kira?" Andrew asked, he knew that she's crying by the shaking of her shoulders "Are you okay?" He asked and reach for her shoulder in which she froze,

"Hey, I'll follow after this call," She says not even glancing at Andrew and getting his hands off her shoulder.

Andrew went inside the house and wait for Kira in the dining,

She came in smiling like nothing happened but Andrew can still see the emotions in her eyes the sadness, anger, and fright.

"To be honest I never thought that you can cook," She says after sitting in front of him, "This looks good, hope that it also tastes good," She said and they start eating.

"I wonder what goes in your mind right now? Are you plotting on how to murder me?" She asked smiling at Andrew,

 "Ehm... just lot of things," Andrew answered,

"You're a man of few words, I see..." Kira said and the whole breakfast was spent in complete silence.

"Thank you for the breakfast, Andrew," Kira said walking out of the door, 

"Kira, ehm... I know that it's not my place to meddle in your life but I have to say that you can talk to me," Andrew said while holding her hands,

"Thank you bu-but I can deal with this on my own." She said and went home.


Kira's POV

I was sitting on a pub counter enjoying my beer when someone sits beside me.

"1 whiskey please and maybe a pint of Gat for my dear friend here?" Andrew says to the bartender then he turned to me, "Good evening Kira ehm... sorry if I offended you earlier" He said looking at his hands, 

"Mr. Lanky Man, you should really stop saying sorry," I answered then we laughed for something I don't know, this man really brightens my mood and I am liking it.

We talked and laughed for hours and I found out that we have a lot in common, he brings a journal everywhere for his music and I bring mine for my stories. 

"Hey, Hi, can we have a picture?" A beautiful lady asked Andrew, is he really that famous?

"Yeah, hang on for a mo'," He answered then turned to me, "This will be real quick, I'll be back," He says like he needs my permission.

"Absolutely, yeah, go on..." I answered smiling at him, then he went off. I think I might need to search up about him, 

It's been 30 minutes or maybe more since Andrew left me and this Guinness is legit strong for my alcohol level. Let's just visit the jacks first maybe he'll be here when I get back.

"Excuse me, coming through, thank you" Oh gosh my world is spinning, that's just 2 bottles of Gat! 

"Oi! Feisty lady, it's you!" Oh c'mon not this gowl again. Okay, my bladder can wait we need to get back,


Chapter 4-Done!


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