Chapter 19 "You've clearly hit your head..."

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Kira's POV 

"Happy 4th Anniversary BFG and congratulations!" I greeted Andrew when I entered our bedroom, he woke up confused but right after he sees me he opens his arms wide and waited for me to jump and hug him,

"So sorry for missing the awards last night, I almost lost my sanity with the publishing company!" I utter while Andrew tucked me with him in the bed,

"It's fine, I understand, at least you're back now," he stated and caressed my face, "4 years huh?" he teased,

"I know!" we both giggled,

I would lie if I said that being in a relationship and loving Andrew is all rainbows and cupcakes, coz it is not! When we first appeared publicly we were a hot potato and those are the tough times, I've got a lot of hates from callow fans especially when media dug up my history. Most of the time I join Andrew and his crew while his on tour but whenever I need to attend concept meetings and such, I stayed behind or I spent time with Raine and John at Wicklow. The attacks were rare which means having Andrew is actually good for my mental health.

"Andrew! Do you need anything from the messages?" I asked while fixing my coat,

"Not that I can think of, I still have a box of candies in my drawer," He answered winking at me and even though we've done it a lot of times, I can still feel the rush of hot blood creeping up my face,

"Oh come on! enough with your innuendos Mr. Hozier-Byrne," I answered and before I reached the door he grabbed and kissed me sensually but I pulled away, "I still have a dinner to prepare Andrew," 

"Take care love," 

We never really enjoyed eating out, I mean in some fancy restaurants. A picnic by the lake, dinner at home or in our hotel room during the tours is our "cuppa tea", reading books, slow dancing and drinking wine or Gat is our kind of date. A simple life would be enough for us, I think? In the future? If there is a chance to spend a lifetime with him. 

"Aunt Kira!!!" a squealing Caoimhe hugged my legs,

"Are you alone again Caoimhe?" I asked and carried her in my arms, 

"Nope, she's with us," I turned around to see Paul and Liz, "Nice to see you again, Kira,"

"Well, pleasure's mine, especially I've seen this little bean again," I stated and tickles Caoimhe,

County Wicklow is a small town and the chance of bumping to anyone is a high possibility, that's what happens with us. A year after not seeing Paul, Andrew and I both bumped into him with a pregnant Liz, he then tells us that his medication is going great especially with a motivation to get better and that is Liz and this little bean. I visit her whenever I'm in town,

"Do you want to have a playdate with Aunt Kira next time?" I playfully asked Caoimhe, "Yesh!" She squeals and giggles as I nuzzle my nose to her tummy,

"Okay, leave your Aunt Kira now Caoimhe," Paul says and gets Caoimhe from my arms,

"Are you celebrating something? you've got a lot of things in your cart," Liz asked,

"Uhm... yeah actually it's Andrew and I's 4th anniversary," I respond grinning in the  process, we all bid our goodbye's later on after a lot of promises to Caoimhe,

"Andrew? BFG! I'm home!"


"I don't know man, this is more taxing than my first tv appearance," Andrew tells Alex through phone,

"Well, you'll kill rock n' roll if you can't pull this off," Alex replied, they were shortly interrupted when Kira enthusiastically knocked on the door,

"Why are you taking so long there Andrew? I don't know if you slipped and hit your head on the floor or you're already drowned in the tub? Which one Andrew?" 

Andrew ends the call and went out of the bathroom,

"Why are we together again?" Andrew questioned as he exits the bathroom,

"You look hellish, are you alright love?" Kira asked Andrew again noticing that he's a bit agitated,

"Ehm... yeah totally, let's have dinner?"


They were eating dinner silently which makes Kira a bit off especially it's their anniversary night,

"Okay, a penny for your thoughts?" Kira asked, "Something is wrong and you're telling me." sternly looking at Andrew but he stands up and leaves Kira at the dining table,

"Wow, Happy anniversary self!" Kira yelled and starts to put all the dirty dishes on the sink, she went to Andrew after finishing the dishes and was shocked to see their bedroom,

"I'm so sorry love, I was trying not to spill anything for this surprise," Andrew apologized and hugged Kira, 

Andrew filled the room with Peonies and red Salvia,

"I was about to murder you, Andrew!" Kira whined but immediately hug Andrew back and kiss his cheeks, "You don't even have to do this, I love peonies but what is this?" Kira says and picked up the red salvia,

"Those are Salvia," Andrew starts and grabbed a book by their bedside table, "Red salvia means Forever Mine,

"Oh.. that's lovely, I guess?" Kira trails off, "I can use that in one of my writings,"

"You're dense Kira," Andrew kneels on one knee and offered the book to Kira,

"Andrew, that's mine if you're going to give me gifts at least buy me a new one," Kira deadpanned, 

Andrew just opened the book and pulled out a ring, "Do you remember this book? This is the book that you throw at my head when I intruded your house ehm... that may not be the best way to meet each other, it's funny but it was perfect for me and I hope for you also eh... sorry, I know there are many ways that I should've done this but yeah... eh... will you spend your whole life in this shit show and marry me?"

Kira was in trance for a moment and burst to cry, "Oh God, is it that bad?" Andrew asked and calm Kira down,

"I knew it," Kira blurted out, "You've clearly hit your head in the bathroom earlier, I mean seriously? but... uhmm... Yes," She looked up at Andrew, 

"I want to spend forever with you, Mr. Lanky man"


Chapter 19-Done!

Well, the END! uhmm... yeah that was it, I hope it was worth to read? and... thank you!

A special chapter will be posted! Promise!


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