Chapter 15 "Galway's great..."

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Kira's POV 

I was packing my things, crying when my phone rang,

"Hi Raine, Andrew's just at home a-and he's fine," I utter trying to suppress my sobs,

"Are you okay?" She asked concernedly,

"Uhm... Ye-yeah, totally," I replied trying to smile just to sound that I'm alright,

"I actually called to invite you for a dinner this weekend, it'll be me and John's anniversary," How can I attend that dinner? Andrew will be there,

"Uhm... yeah I'll try to be there but I can't promise, I'll be in Galway for the next few days," I answered hoping that she'll let me bail, 

"Oh, I know you'll be there," She said and chuckled, "Will Andrew accompany you to Galway?"

"Oh, no, he uhm.. have things to do, I guess? I don't really want to bother him," I said trying to hide any hint of sadness in my voice,

"Okay then see you in few days, and take care," and she bid goodbye,

Okay, Kira let's have a pep talk, 

"You are a strong, independent woman and you don't need a man, you've been alone for the past years, a-and- no, I can't," I cried and crouched down in front of the mirror, "Why do I feel like I-I've lost something? He's not even mine to start off," 

I cried the whole night, I really need to get away,


Alex's POV

"Finally! You're alive!" I commented once Andrew entered the studio,

"Not today, Alex, let's get working," He says and went to the table,

"You're the boss," I mutter and looked at the members of the band, 

We were working on the new record and all the band members noticed that Andrew's out of focus today, then Caroline spoke to cut the day,

"I think that would be all for today," Caroline clapped her hands, 

"Ehm... Can I stay here for a bit?" Andrew asked,

"No Andrew, you go home pick your self up, fix something you need to, off you go," She says and pushed Andrew out of the studio,

"Do you know anything, Caroline?" I curiously asked her,

"I bumped into Kira earlier, she'll be in Galway for the next few days and when I asked her about Andrew she shifts into this cold and distant lady, I think they're not okay," she replied,

"Let them be, don't interfere they are grown-ups," Rory commented and bid goodbye to us,


It was weekend the day that Kira will be back in Wicklow and meet the Byrne's again,

"So how was Galway?" Rory asked Kira, they are now in the backyard, Kira joined them shortly after she arrived,

"Galway's great, I stayed at Claregalway Castle, people are so welcoming and I met some fellow writers as well," She replied happily masking her emotions knowing that someone is staring at her,

They bantered all night till the guest start to bid their goodbye's leaving the Byrne's family and Kira,

"Raine, do you need some help before I went home?" Kira asked her while getting all the used dishes to the sink,

"No worries, we have someone to clean that up,"

"Oh, okay I'll be going now," Kira bid her goodbye but before she went out Andrew stopped her,

"Kira, would you like a ride?" Andrew asked,

"I-I can just wait for a cab, you don't have to bother," She answered walking outside trying to get rid of him, 


Kira's POV 

"I insist," He says and grabbed my arm, for cheese's sake! don't make it harder for me,

"Okay," I answered and distant myself to him,

We arrived home shortly after driving in complete silence, 

"Thanks for the ride," I said as I get off of the truck, 

I just finished changing into my nightgown when someone knocked on my door,

"Coming!" I just put a flannel and went to the open the door, "Hey, Andrew," I hugged myself as I felt the cold breeze, "Would you like to come in?" He just nods and went inside,

Andrew just stand in the middle of the house not uttering any words,

"Anything I can do for you? How about some coffee or-," I was interrupted when he spoke,

"How Kira?" He looked at my eyes full of emotions,

"Come again?" I quizzically looked at him,

"How can you act like nothing's wrong between us?" take a step closer at me, 

"What are you trying to say, Andrew? I can't understand you, first of all, you're the one who pushed me away," I replied and went to the kitchen, " and most important of all, are we even a thing Andrew? There's no us," 

"So you forget everything? Is it Paul?" He asked cornering me in the kitchen counter,

"What? Why does Paul have anything to do with this?" if looks can kill Andrew would be 6 ft under the ground,

"I saw both of you all sweetness and love outside your house, how come you never had an attack when it's Paul?" He asked mocking me,

"Sweetness and love? Paul was the one who harassed me at the pub, he's the reason why I left the party, he touched and mocked me saying that I enjoyed being raped! The moment that you saw us? that was the time he confessed that he's schizophrenic, he apologized to me and I was on the verge of an attack when he hugged me!" I yelled at him and crouched down as my legs can't support me anymore and felt my lungs running out of air,

"Andrew please just leave, please..." I begged him,

"I-I'm so sorry Love, please forgive me, please," Andrew says as he cradled me in his arms,

"I will Andrew but not now," I stated 

He looks at my eyes trying to search for some answers then he kissed me one last time before he went out.


Chapter 15-Done!


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