Chapter 2 "Mr. Lanky Man"

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Kira's POV

"Do tell me why I moved into a very cold country again?" I asked myself while tidying up my things. Why is it so cold? I need to find some woods to have my fireplace working, for now, I need to go to the store to buy some foods.

I think I can walk from here to the town and I can have ideas while observing my surroundings. I changed into warm clothes and brought my journal "Just in case my mind works, right?" I really need to stop talking to myself. 

I was startled and thrown my journal off my hands when a car beeped at me. "Goodness me!! What the bloody hell?!" I said while picking up my journal.

"Hey, sorry for that," I turned around and saw the most beautiful man I've seen so far, wait! What?! Stop Kira! 

"You okay there?" He asked getting me out of my crazy mind.

"What's with you appearing out of nowhere and startling me every damn time?" I asked annoyed not to him but to myself. 

"Oh! Ehm, I- sorry... I just wanted to ask if you needed a ride," He answered, Oh God! He's trying to help you! You moron! 

"Sorry for that Mr. Lanky Man, I'm actually going to the store to get some food," I said looking at the ground like it's the most interesting thing in the world.

"Well then, hop on! It's on my way" He said smiling at me, Nope! Not charming, no no...


Andrew's POV

Did she just call me "Mr. Lanky Man", didn't she know me? Well, I should consider it as a good thing.


Kira's POV

"Ehm... It's-"

"Oh thank God, you spoke I was about to lose my mind from the complete silence!" I said trying to calm my breathing,

"Owkay... It's Andrew by the way," He said giving me side glances, 

"I preferred Mr. Lanky Man, sorry Andrew," I said while writing at my journal, "And I'm Kira" I looked at him grinning and he turned to me when we stop.

"We're here, there's the store," He said pointing at grocery,

"Thank you for the ride, Mr. Lanky Man," I said when I get off,

"Nice to meet you Kira," He said and drive off, he called me by my name that's a good start maybe?


Kira was trying to find her precious cheese when someone bumped into her,

"For cheese sake! What's with people today?" Kira exclaimed,

"Feisty young lady, the name's Paul" offering his hand in which Kira didn't reach and just look at him full of annoyance. "You're not from around here," he said following Kira.

"Can you please stop following me and I'm not interested in talking to a gowl" She said leaving the guy alone.


Andrew's POV

"Andy! I'm glad you visit us today," My mom greeted me with a warm hug, "How're you doing Honey?" She asked while leading me inside our home.

"I'm doing great mom, I'm taking the prescribed medicine for my throat" I answered her smiling. "I'll be going to the attic for some stuff if that's okay?"

"Go on, do you like some tea?" She asked, "I would love that mom"

"I'll bring it upstairs, go do your stuff," she said and went off to the kitchen.

Looking at our house brings back a lot of memory. The times I heard my dad and his bandmates play, seeing my mom on her artist side and my favorite spot, the attic, the place where I created most of my songs and the sleepless nights staying here trying to polish my works. 

"Tell me what's on your mind honey," my mom asked me sitting on the couch beside me, 

"Ehm.. just reminiscing some memories when I was still staying with you and Dad," I said looking at my mom, "Ehm... where's Elton?" I asked looking for my precious buddy.

"Oh I forgot he's in your room," She said and I helped her going down to my room.

"Elton! Hey Buddy!" I greeted Elton while he jumps eagerly to play with me.

"I'll leave you two, are you staying for dinner?"

"Maybe next time mom, I just fetched Elton," I said while walking to down the hallway, "C'mon buddy, mom I'll bring him home if I need to go out of town" 

"Okay Andy, take care" she kissed me and ride my truck.

"We've got tons of things to catch up Elton, Let's go!"


Chapter 2-Done!


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