Chapter 8- Rewritten

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Sang's P.O.V.

"What are you doing here?," I ask as we
walk up.

"I would assume the same thing as you two,"
Sean says with his usual charming grin.

I notice that the two men with him aren't the same men from last night. Both are very tall and muscular. It's hard to make out features, even with the flashlights they have, but one is heavily tattooed with a lip ring, brown hair, and brown eyes. The other also has brown eyes, dark hair, and a good hoop earring.

        "Guys this is Henry and Sang Sorenson," Sean introduces us. "And this is Raven and North."

"Great to meet you," I say quickly. "What's the plan for getting in?"

"Well the door isn't opening up anytime soon and all the ground floor windows have gates. However, there are a few broken windows further up. So we're going to climb. And then we'll find the kid."

        Sean holds a flashlight up so I now notice the rope that's leading to the roof and Raven is wearing a harness.

"Alright," I say, "Let's get this show on the road."

       North helps belay the rope for Raven and as soon as he's done, I step up next. I hand the other end of the rope to Henry, considering he's the only one here I actually trust.

        I begin the climb up the asylum, using anything I can get my hands on to help haul myself up to the window.

         "You alright up there?," I hear Sean ask.

          "Yeah, I'm good," I call back.

"I must say, I have a pretty nice view down here," Sean says. I look over my shoulder and Henry is staring daggers at Sean. Surprisingly, he doesn't say or do anything.

       I ignore him and continue my climb until I'm at the same window Raven climbed into. Raven sticks a hand out and helps me in. I have to be careful not to cut myself on all the broken glass.

        I take a look around as the next person comes up. We seem to be in some sort of massive office. It's in a sorry state and the open door leads to a corridor.

Not even a minute later, North comes through the window. And then Sean is climbing the wall. When he's about halfway through, he suddenly drops. Henry steadies the rope so he only falls about a foot. "Whoops. Hand slipped."

I stifle a laugh. There's his payback for Sean's earlier comment. Sean eventually makes it up. "Aw, you missed me," Sean says to me.

"Yeah, you're right," I respond. "What would I do without you? Enjoy my life?"

He laughs for belaying the rope for Henry. It takes him a bit longer than the rest of us, but soon we're all up here.

As we start to walk through the office, the atmosphere feels charged, as if a storm was brewing.

"What a godforsaken place," Sean says. "You could have taken us somewhere a little nicer for our first date."

I shake my head but ignore him. Now is not the time. We emerge into the dark corridor with one cell after another opening off of it. Some doors are shut, some are slightly ajar.

I hear odd noises, creaks, and a soft whistling noise but nothing out of the ordinary just like Maddox said. We pass by an open cell and traces of old blood stain the padding on the walls. It's awful. These people lived in horrible conditions.

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