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I was confided to the care of my chamber lady; luckily, she happened to be Selina.

The girl came just at the moment the transformation was over, and Zarya was holding Kaleb in her arms. The moment was awkward as if a little maid came in in the middle of threesome sexual process, though we were just standing and awkwardly looking at each other. Marigold was the first to speak:

"Do you have any questions?" she mumbled reluctantly, squeezing Kaleb, for his beady eyes seemed to pop.

"No, thank you. I'm full with information and performance."

She bid me goodnight and hastily left the room, leaving the doors wide open, like a whirlwind. Somewhere in the corridor I heard the rat's squeak.

Selina tried to defuse tensions, while she was leading me to my chamber, but I was not into speaking or reacting to her chaffing and tweeting. When we came at last, the room was lit by melting hues of bluish light. The French window stood wide open, and I could see stars and the rim of Aella above.

Selina asked me, whether I was ready to be undressed. That was too much:

"Don't you have any other responsibilities? School? Homework?"

She tossed her head with laugh, "I'm your chamber lady; that's my work! Now let me help you with these blue pants..."

"Selina," I tried to distract her from that ungrateful action, "why are mages so embarrassed to show their animal transformation in front of others?"

The maid was a little bit confused, as if somebody asked her about the most obvious but delicate thing. And she tapped her little finger against her lips to prepare the best explanation like a parent who was going to tell the child about "bees" and "flowers":

"Transformation, well... when a mage transfers," she was to choosing her next words. "Mages show their transformations to each other only when they are married," replied the girl, happy enough with the choice of her words.

"But why?" I was genuinely surprised. The transformation I saw was not immodest in the least. I expected everything: from painful bone braking noises or heart-rending screams to an amazing light show with special effects where he undresses himself and does some strange poses; on the contrary, it was full of... magic. That was the best word I could use to describe his shifting; magic that evoked some sacred sensations and delectation in me.


He looked at me gingerly and somewhat irresolute. Zarya was breathing loudly and watching attentively the embroidery of one of the wall tapestries. Having found no support from marigold, he clenched his fists and... exploded into million bitsy particles that glowed like tiny fireflies that were so beloved by anime cartoonists. I gasped in amusement watching them eddying around and coming together but that time in a rat form, good old rat. I noticed that he and the rat had resembling ears, delicately jugging and funny.


"I'm not sure, Mage Avis. Bird Spirits didn't bestow upon me such a gift as magic," Selina went on. She didn't seem to be upset about it. "But my brother told me when one shift, it is like unbare your soul and become as vulnerable as never before. That's why they do it privately or reveal their souls to significant ones. Oh, Mage Avis, it's one of the most romantic things a brave mage or warlock can do! Or a beautiful noble birdwoman who secretly escapes from her strict parents to see her beloved villager. And when they are alone," she said under her breath, "he confesses her that he's not a poor villager but a valiant warlock in disguise and then they shift and..."

I was listening to her with my mouth open.

Oh. My. Globe. All right. Fine. I could imagine Kaleb be mad at me, but why Zarya was so pissed? Is he her boyfriend? Why didn't they warn me about it? They must have! I hope I didn't spoil anything in their relationship. Anyways, it's not my problem, for my problems started when they appeared!

AVIS IN BETWEEN (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now