The Suit

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Anti stayed in bed to sleep as Dark got up, stretching his aching muscles and soon making his way over to the closet. He looked through the clothes, pushing them around on the hangers as he skimmed over them (he needed some new clothes after that... let's just say his previous outfit is in pieces). A soft smile formed on his lips as his hand landed on a black blazer with a white button up under, no tie or bow to go with it. He looked over at Anti to see if he was still asleep. The demon was cuddled up with Dark's pillow, the sheets pulled over him to block out the sunlight. Dark chuckling softly at how precious that this moment was, wishing he had a camera to save it. He then turned back to the closet as he grabbed the suit and made his way to the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind him.

A few minutes latter he had the suit on, black dress pants and black dress shoes to go with it nicely. He took the wrist bands and collar off before he looked himself in the mirror, straightening the blazer. "Hmm... looks like it's missing something." Dark then glanced at his hair, running a hand through it as he turned it back to raven black and his eyes to a soft light grey as his skin turned the same color, being in his natural, calm, romantic form now.

Dark came walking out in his "new" look, grinning softly as he looked over at Anti who was now setting up as he rubbed his eyes, still in the process of waking up. Once he opened up those blue and green orbs of his his jaw dropped, seeing Dark like this was new for him. Anti did know about Dark, but he had never seen him before in his natural form.

"I-I... Dark... holy shit!" He had trouble finding words to say, left speechless by the sight before him. Even Anti in his own natural form didn't look nearly as good. Dark smirked as he straightened the blazer again, holding his head high. "Is that a good holy shit or a bad holy shit?" "Ye look fuckin great! Like holy shit Dark, how tha fuck did ya pull that off?" Dark chuckled softly before walking over to the bedside, leaning down and gently kissing Anti's forehead before ruffling his hair. "I just simply changed my appearance is all. Opposed to the... "punk look" that you gave me." "What about tha punk look? I though that it make ya spicy!"

Dark chuckled softly, soon walking over to the bedroom door and opening it, but just before he stepped out he turned back to look at Anti. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me love, come when you're ready." He then walked out, shutting the door behind him.

//Here's the next chapter as said, I'll start working on the next tomorrow for y'all peeps. Stay tuned for more, ONWARD!!!//

Dark's StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora