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So I started working on the next chapter where Anti explains what he did, buuuuut.... it sounded like absolute trash. So since I couldn't figure out what to write I began working more on "The Raven" and "Ancient Love" (as you can probably tell by now (mind you this was before I had started publishing them)).

I had gotten quite a lot done in the first book, so now I'm just publishing a chapter every day for "The Raven". Now for "Ancient Love".... probably about one chapter every week since it's written differently.

I will start working on "Dark's Story" here soon once I can fix my trash writing in the next chapter, but till then please consider checking out "Ancient Love" and "The Raven" which are written by me as well.

Remember to stay tuned for more and I'll see you all in the next chapter, ONWARD!!!

Dark's StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum