The Kitchen (pt. 2)

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Although the moment was sweet and both wanted to savor it, the pan on the hot stove didn't, a burnt smell drifting over to them. Once catching a whiff of it Dark reluctantly had to pull away, turning off the heat and moving the pan to the other side of the stove. "I'm terribly sorry my love, your eggs are trying to catch on fire." Anti chuckled softly, turning to face Dark. "It's alright, hate fer them ta start a fire up in here."

~Small Time Skip~

Dark finished making the two breakfast while Anti set up the with table with napkins and two cups full of orange juice, placing forks down just as Dark came walking over with two plates. "I'ma be honest with ya, I kinda feel like we're settin up a fancy dinner or somethin." Anti said with a soft laugh as he took a seat, the other male following not long after. "You would be correct, but I do this on every occasion so I've become attuned to it." "Jesus, yer talkin so formal and I'm just over here spittin slang." Dark chuckled softly as he sat across from the glitch demon. "You are Irish after all, and I come from a much more formal era." Anti gave Dark a playful glare as he took a drink from his sun juice (yes I call it that), both chuckling softly after.

"Ya know Darky... I've been wanderin, why do ye like me?" Dark was in the middle of stuffing his face with food when Anti had asked that, swallowing hard before clearing his throat. "Why do you ask?" The Irish Demon looked off to the side, frowning softly. "Well... ya know. I'm a metal head, dress like a punk, and I swear almost every other word that cones outa me mouth, not ta mention tha smell of whiskey on me every hour of tha day." Dark gave a soft and understanding nod as he listened. "The way you dress or talk shall not affect me, that is how you express yourself to the world and I adore that. Now about the alcohol... I'm not sure if that can be helped, but even then what could I help with?" Anti nodded. "True, true... *soft sigh* thank ya fer listenin ta me."

Dark then gave a warm smile, placing a hand on top of Anti's. "I'd always listen to you no matter what." The glitch demon then raised his head, looking up at the other before grinning softly. The two shared a comfortable silence, gazing into each other's eyes before a phone on the countertop began to ring. Both got startled by the noise, sharing a soft laugh before Dark stood. "I'll answer it." He spoke before walking over to the phone, picking it up and answering with a 'hello'.

A minute passed and Dark now looked worried, looking over at Anti. The glitch demon looked back confused as he finished his food, standing up and walking over to him. "What's wrong?" "What did you do to Sean to escape?" Anti then froze, his pale face going even paler. "A friend of mine told me that somebody had found him and now he's hospitalized, saying it's on the news that a man was almost torn to shreds by an animal. What did you do to him?"

//Taking a twist to this story as payment for my absence. School has kept me busy and not to mention that I'm in a clan on Rec Room (all that endurance training takes forever lol). Hope y'all like this because my brain hurts//

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