The Living Room

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Minutes had passed by now. Anti had gotten Dark out of the chains, but left the spiked collar and shekels on, they reallycl completed the look in a way. They eventually made their way up to the living room throughout all of the heated moments that they shared, rough kissing, gentle kissing, tonsil hockey, nipping, biting, blah blah blah.

Dark had Anti pinned down to the sofa now after the two bumped into multiple things, but nither of them cared, they had... more "important" things going on. It was either love or lust that drove them, maybe both, perhaps one was in heat. Whatever it was they both wanted it, Anti having used his shadow arms to remove the flannel from Dark since his hands were currently pinned down above his head.

"Dark, fer tha love of god stop teasin me!" Anti whined out in frustration as Dark gently kissed down his neck to his collarbone, Anti squirming just a slight as he tried to free his arms. Dark only chuckled. "Now why would I do that?" The demon said with a smirk as Anti glared at him, the look fading away quickly when Dark nipped at his sweet spot right under his ear, earning a gasp from the glitch demon as his back arched just a slight. "F-fuck you..."

Dark by now had gotten Anti's shirt off, trailing gentle kisses down his chest towards his waist. With Anti being the lil prick that he was he bucked up his hips with a smirk, knowing that Dark was staring him down with narrowed eyes. "Don't make me have to punish you." His voice was an octave deeper as he spoke, Anti keeping that smirk on his lips. "What if I want ye ta punish me?" He said with that hint of mischief, not knowing what he was getting himself into. "If that's how you want to act then that's the way we'll go, and I won't be gentle." "Bring it, bitch!"

TIME SKIP (remember no smut *wink wonk*)

Anti was panting heavily as Dark plopped down on the bed beside him, panting as well. "Y-yer right... ya didn't go easy..." The glitch demon said breathlessly as he looked up at the ceiling, his eyelids feeling heavy. "Told you." Dark said with a soft chuckle, earning a playful slap on his shoulder from Anti. "J-just shut up ye fucker." "At least I'm your fucker." Dark laughed as Anti smacked him again, though just a bit harder this time. "Okay! Okay! I'll stop."

//Been about a day or two since uploading another chapter, but hey! At least it's here. I hope that you enjoyed this one, even though it was shorter than others... but I do plan on getting another one out today! Stay tuned for more, ONWARD!!!//

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