The Truth Shall Set You Free!

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So, you guys have probably already heard, but Ambitch is done for! A new audio recording has been released of Johnny and Miss Hissy-Pissy having an argument shortly before they split! And Ambitch admitted she hit him! She was quoted saying: "I didn't hit you that hard!" in the recording!

...But you admit that you hit him!

Johnny on the other hand seems to be the mature one in this recording! If he can even get a word in edgewise, because aqua-slut is swearing and shrieking constantly! Seriously? Get over yourself, Ambitch!

Johnny is trying to tell Amber, in the calmest possible voice I might add, that they need to take breaks when they get mad at each other, so they don't say or do anything that will hurt each other. Which is a mature thing to do! Johnny is making a lot of sense, he's making an effort, he's showing that he cares about their relationship! How many other woman can say their husband or boyfriend makes that effort? Amber had a good thing and she let him slip through her fingers! Because she was being a selfish, big-mouthed narcissist! If this is what their marriage was like, I don't blame Johnny for ending it after fifteen months! I certainly couldn't live with someone who talks to me like this!

Here's a video including the recordings of Johnny and the Bitch-Witch:

Johnny's headed to court on February 3rd 2020 for his defamation lawsuit against Ambitch, hopefully this will end and our angel can get on with his life! Wish him luck, Fellow Deppheads!

Oh, and don't forget to:

Oh, and don't forget to:

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