I Ship 'Em!

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Okay, Deppheads! Here your first lesson on how to catch a wild Depp!

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Okay, Deppheads! Here your first lesson on how to catch a wild Depp!

Step Uno: Get a net and spread net on the ground and cover with leaves!

Step Dos: Hang bait at the end of a rope tied to a tree branch above. Wild Depp bait consists of fluffy or shiny microphones, hand-rolled cigarettes, rum and pretty guitar picks!**

Step Tres: Remain silent and hidden until Depp appears to take the bait!

Johnny: Hello? Is someone out here? What the...? What kind of lunatic leaves a fluffy microphone, a fresh pack of smokes, a full bottle of rum and a new pack of guitar picks lying around in the woods? Now that's just wasteful!

Me: *Pulls the cord attached to the net and Johnny gets scooped up into the rope trap*

Johnny: WWAAAAAHHHHHHH?! What the hell?! What's going on? This isn't a pirates movie! I'm not suppose to do my own stunts!

Me: Gotcha! It worked!

**BTW! Guitar Picks are to Johnny, what Bobby Pins are to girls! He loses them constantly and always needs more! It's a guitarist thing!**


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