Chapter 27

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"Sorry Girls, Ryujin can't attend practice"

They heard their manager said "Why?"Yuna ask her "Sajangnim is giving her a task, so she will be with you only for a few times only"Their manager explained

"Since unnie isn't here can we have a day off?" Ask Lia "Sure why not? It's been a while so go have some fun, but know your limits girls"Their manager said as they smiled brightly...

"Girls, I have to go somewhere...So don't disturb me"Lia said as she went outside making the other girls confused "Where is she going?" Ask Yeji "No idea"Said the two younger girls

"So I guess Movie Time?"Yeji suggested "Ok, at our dorm! I'm gonna invite Txt"Yuna said as he contact Kai

"Kai Oppa! You all in there go in here to have a Movie Marathon with us"

"Sure why not?We will be there around 10? Since we're in our Day off"

"Sure See you!"She said as she ended the call..

"Did he said yes?"Yeji ask her "Yup, so we better get ready"Yuna said as they split on their task

And not long after Txt arrived and they watch the movie together...

Lia walked happily in the Cafe as she saw Woojin a former member of Stray Kids...

"Annyeong Woojin Oppa!"She greeted as he greeted her back "Gladly you accepted my proposal"he told her as she smiled

"So what do you want to talk about"She ask him "You know that I'm not in good terms with someone"He started as she nod

"I wanted you to help me so that My sister will forgive me"He beg her "Wait you have a sister?" She ask him as he nod "Who is she?"she ask him "Kim Niesle of The Royalties"He told her as she nod

"I wish I could help but,I can't go there without a permission"She said as she thought of something

"Chaeryoung has a cousin I think he's Lee Jeno?I thought a possible way to contact her"She said as he smiled in relief

"So tell me, Why do you want her forgiveness?" She ask him "she wanted to train with me in JYP Entertainment but she didn't got accepted, but I told her to stay put, because she's still young...She got furious at me and never call me again, Whenever we have a family Dinner, she would excuse herself that she was busy and couldn't attend but it got a lot worst when she knew I was debuting, she will never let me see her, until I found out when I departure that she will debut in SM entertainment"He said as he looked sad

"I'm sure she'll forgive you"she said as he smiled "So tell me, Have you make up with Soobin?"He ask her as he wiggled his brows

"Ani! He look very happy in his life now, so I won't bug him"Lia said as she smiled

"Do you know everything?"He ask her "What do you mean?"she ask him "Do you know what's the real reason?"He said "Real reason of what?" She ask him as he rolled his eyes

"About the true relationship, wether is fake or not?"he said as she sigh "Of course I knew, I heard the girls talk about it at home, they didn't know that my schedule was cancelled until I heard them Talking about it..But that was 2 years ago though"she said and smiled

"But do you love him?"He ask her "I do, but Fate doesn't want us to be together, so I put it on this Way, to prevent from hurting myself"She explained and smiled..

"I love him so,I will set him free...He will find someone better, someone who is worthy of his love, and I know he can found the right one in the future"Lia said...

"If that's what you think"Woojin said as he frowned, the plan didn't go well like he hope so..

So they continue on talking ...

But little did she know that Soobin is Listening to their conversation in Woojin's phone?

The both of them plan it, so that's why Woojin wanted to help her by lying to her that she will help him to get back at his sister

And of course her sister know about it so they will act it up, but whenever they meet..

Woojin always call Soobin but he won't make a sound so that she won't notice..

So that he can hear everything and That made him broke on what she just said just now..

"I can assure Lia, that she's the one for me and I'm the one for her"

Soobin thought as he continuously listening everything....

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