21. Come a Little Bit Closer

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"We'll leave you to talk alone," Freya begrudgingly suggested. Kissing Peter on his cheek before whispering to her husband, "I'll be right here when you get back. I love you,"

Peter pulled Freya in for a tight hug. He needed, he wanted to hold her close. Just for a little longer. He was unsure if he wanted answers. He knew that Freya didn't, couldn't, return to Asgard just as much as he couldn't return to earth because home was with each other. This knowledge could change everything. The fact that both of their fathers were out there, and yet Freya chose to ignore it and he was beginning to understand why. He didn't at first, couldn't comprehend how she knew her family was alive and yet she couldn't bear to go there. Because she was petrified of what would happen. She would have all of Asgard looking at her, scrutinizing her, damming her to fit the mold of someone of royalty- someone she wasn't. 

Yet here he was, wanting to know more, but wishing he could ignore it all at the same time. 

He could do this, he was Peter Jason Quill- Starlord, previously wanted for accounts of fraud, two episodes of drunken assaults, and for the illegal manipulation of Gramosian Duchess' or as the Norva Corps categorized it, a sex crime. And yet he had nothing on what Freya used to have against her name. 

"I love you too," he whispered as he brushed his lips against her forehead. Hesitating for a second longer before he pulled away and walked after Ego.

Freya heaved a large sigh as she turned to Gamora. Mantis and Drax wandering off elsewhere, "You look around here and I'll take over there?" Freya motioned behind her to the vast expanse of fields, "Something doesn't add up and I don't want to hurt Peter before I find out what it is," 

"I'll meet you over there in a few hours," Gamora nodded to the general direction of the dry fields behind the pair. It was secluded and it would just look like they were taking a moment to get a signal to contact Rocket if anyone was watching. 

"Three hours max," Freya agreed, patting the assassin on the arm before they headed off in opposing directions, "Stay safe," 

"As you wish," Gamora smirked as she headed inside the grand building, going to find Mantis and see what she could get from the girl. 


Freya had been wandering around the dry grasslands for a little while. She was sure Peter would have finished his chat with Ego and would be collecting his thoughts so she knew she had a little more time. So she had seen a small cavern hidden in the cliffs. A few miles out from Ego's home. 

There was something about the darkness in the caverns that seemed to put her on edge. As she strode closer, her veins began humming and pulsing with purple energy in almost warning. That the red dust that covered the walls seemed to kick up around her feet in an unusual way. The huge arched caverns illuminated with the small amount of red mist that seemed to slither and float daintily around her hands. The cold air nipping at the exposed skin of her arms as she'd left her jacket back with Drax. She hoped that he would give it to Peter if he came across her husband before she did. She didn't want to know what he would do with her precious red leather jacket if he grew bored. Probably attempt to wear it as a cape...again. 

Freya stumbled to a stop when the ground suddenly gave out below her booted feet. The rock and sand cascading down into the shadows below. A loud gasp escaping her and her heart rising in her throat. Her powers, pulsating angrily at her fear at what lay beneath her. 

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