Chapter 1: Victory

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"Anakin! I need your location!" I shout through my comlink as a giant blast takes out half my troops. Deflecting hundreds of blasts with my lightsaber, I scan the field around me. 

Most of the Jedi are currently on Geonosis fighting the remaining forces of the separatists. The battle is led by myself and Anakin, the council deciding that we had the most battle knowledge of the other knights. 

"General, we can't hold our position much longer!" My commander, Case, shouted. Another blast from several assault tanks hits near our location as my men start to scatter. Still not responding, I try contacting Anakin once again, but he's gone awol. 

"What do we do, General?" Case asks. I motion my troops to press forward, telling Case to implement the Galactic III strategy, knowing it would buy us some time. 

"Master Koon, what is the current situation on the eastern front?" I ask into my comlink, trying to gain a sense of the state our troops were in. 

"We are successfully pushing the droids closer to the factory, soon we will be able to storm the building," Koon responds. 

Thanking him, I turn off the comlink and run towards the assault tanks. 

Using the power of the force, I jump on top of one before opening up the hatch and destroying the droids inside. Seated inside, I begin turning the tank towards the other two and open fire. Fire erupts from one tank as the other one explodes, shrapnel flying everywhere. 

The tank rocks as it sustains multiple shots from a nearby group of destroyer droids open fire. Launching from the tank, I quickly make my way over to the droids while deflecting their blasts. Looking to my left, I notice my platoon slowly advancing on the army before us, successfully implementing our strategy. 

"Skywalker, I swear if you do not answer me!" I shout into the comlink once more as I attempt to destroy the droids. Destroyer droids are particularly a pain to kill because of their shields. Allowing the force to flow through me, I push several of them back before deflecting several blasts at them, causing them to explode. 

Hearing the hum of another lightsaber, I turn and see Kenobi taking care of the remaining destroyer droids, effortlessly slicing them into pieces. 

"Where is Skywalker?" I growl, not bothering to greet my former master. 

"Off doing something important I'm sure," Kenobi responds with a chuckle as he follows me towards another group of assault tanks. 

"More important than answering my kriffing calls? I need him to update me so our plan can move forward. I cannot authorize the Jedi to storm the city until I know it isn't a trap!" I shout in frustration, cutting down dozens of droids along the way. 

"He'll answer in time, Anakin always does," Kenobi tries to alleviate some of my stress as he stabs through the chest of a super droid. 

The two of us slowly lead the way as Ahsoka and her platoon soon join ours. The three of us cut down thousands of droids as our troops provide cover. After swapping to two lightsabers, Ahsoka's combat skills doubled, becoming one of the greatest swordsmen in the order. 

"Watch out!" I shout, noticing a grenade being thrown our way. Launching myself forward, I force-push it back into the droid army as it explodes, causing hundreds of droid parts to fly towards us. 

We continue pushing forward for a while before I feel a grave disturbance in the force that causes me to freeze in my tracks. Since becoming a knight a year ago, my connection to the force has grown stronger and stronger, making it hard to stay in the present when I sense something. 

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