Chapter 10: Confrontation

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"Why have you not returned from your mission?" Master Windu's voice echos through the bridge of our ship. 

"We decided since the Jedi were disbanding that we would continue our mission since we had nothing better to do," I respond, irritated that I'm wasting my time talking to Windu when I could be finding the location of the next nexus. 

"The council chose to pull the plug on your mission. That means you must return to Coruscant at once and receive your assignments," he pressed. 

Since the council disbanded the order, they used their connections to plug Jedi into different positions across the galaxy. Some Jedi get glamourous positions like a council member on a foreign planet, a diplomat on another, but some are resigned to menial work and borderline slavery. 

"Well, I figured since the order was disbanded, the council no longer had the authority to tell me what to do. So, my team and I decided to disobey those orders since there are no direct consequences in doing so," Windu's face contorts into one of frustration. 

"We will not be made a mockery of! The six of you have one week to return before I order a bounty on the heads of every single one of you," he grits before ending the message. 

Sighing, I place my head in my hands, rubbing the exhaustion off my face vigorously as I debate the options we have. 

Obviously, Windu will split the six of us up across the galaxy once we return. Unless Obi-Wan or Qui Gon know our assignments.

I'm confident that we could take on any bounty hunter currently active in the galaxy, but at what cost? Do I risk the lives of my crew for the sake of this dream? 

The destruction of Exar Kun's temple obviously alerted any Darkside entities still lurking and they will stop at nothing to destroy us if we continue. Anakin and I barely escaped the seduction of the Darkside this time, who knows what will happen in the future?

"I can see the smoke from your brain all the way down the hall," Obi-Wan chuckles before taking a seat next to me. 

"What's wrong?" He asks as his eyebrows knit together in worry. 

"If we don't return to Coruscant in a week, Windu is placing a bounty on our heads."

Obi-Wan snorts, "that's what you're concerned about? We were six of the most advanced combat Jedi in the order. Does he really think bounty hunters can outsmart us? We already defeated Nil, who was the best bounty hunter to date." 

"Do you or Qui Gon know what our positions would be if we returned?" I asked as Obi-Wan smiled sadly. 

"I would be sent to represent the republic on Naboo and Qui Gon would serve as my chief advisor. Ahsoka and Zakya will be sent to Geonosis to help rebuild what the war destroyed. Windu and Yoda refused to disclose what you and Anakin would be doing..." he trailed off, looking at his hands. 

"Did they refuse to tell you or are you lying?" I question. Kenobi is a horrible liar and deception is written all over his face. 

"The two of you would be placed on opposite ends of the galaxy, far enough away that any sith influence would struggle to capture both of you. Unable to cope with the idea of your turnings, Yoda decided that you both would stay in heavily guarded compounds."

"So essentially, Anakin and I would be prisoners because of our potential?" I ask as Obi-Wan nods. 

"After everything we've done for the order, they would turn our backs on us in heartbeat?" I exclaim, shakily rising from my chair to pace around the room. 

"And to think I even considered going back! I don't care what the rest of you choose to do, but I refuse to give my life over to them!" I shout, trying to control my frustration. 

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